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the next day, mavis was in for a real treat in chemistry class. the teacher decided to assign her least favourite style of project, a partner project.

any school work that she had to do with other classmates made her head hurt, since she had always been used to doing all the work for everyone, while they take the credit.

she was also a little nervous because she didn't know anyone in the class well, except for chris, but that was an obvious no.

she let a small breath escape her lips as her eyes danced around the class, trying to find anyone who looked like they might actually contribute something.

when she couldn't pick a person who fit her criteria, she turned around and sunk down slightly in her seat.

she decided she might just have to go solo, which was always humiliating socially, but academically, she didn't exactly mind. just as she was about to pull out her notebook and start jotting down ideas, she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

she turned around, being faced with one of the boys she recognized to be on the lacrosse team, although this one thankfully wasn't chris.

"hey... mavis? wanna be partners?" he asked, a wide smirk spread across his perfectly chiseled face. he looked almost godlike, and it made her a little uncomfortable.

"um," she looked around, noticing chris partnered up with cara, of course.

"sure, we can be partners." she sent the boy a small smile.

"sick, did you start already?" he laughed slightly, his eyes shooting down towards the notebook in her hands.

"i was just about to, but do you have any ideas for the format or anything?" she asked him hopefully.

"uh, we could do a poster maybe?" he suggested, although he didn't seem sure of himself.

"yeah, that would work." she reassured him, which made him smile brightly.

"hey, what's your name by the way? i feel weird knowing you know mine but i don't know yours." mavis chuckled, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear.

"i'm james." he said casually.

"cool." she smiled, before turning her head to face the boy who was currently staring right through her soul.

chris did not look very pleased with the girl, and she immediately gave him a look that said 'what' before he rapidly turned his gaze away from hers.

"i just knew your name cause of chris and matt, they talk about you quite a bit so everyone on the team kinda knows you." said james.

"they know me?" mavis questioned, not fully believing it.

"yeah, you're like their best friend. sorry, matt's best friend, not chris'." he laughed, correcting himself.

"definitely not chris'." she agreed.

"does he like, talk shit about me or something?" she asked, her curiosity getting the best of her.

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃, chris sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now