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mavis tried her best to keep her composure the remainder of the school day, but it was definitely the hardest to bite her tongue during lunch.

all she heard was multiple praises coming from not only her table, but others around them.

she sat there fuming, while chris watched her, completely ignoring her attitude and the way it made her feel.

she just wanted to scream at him, but she knew deep down that would never be a good look on her.

if she wanted to get to him, she had to hit him where it hurt.

she waited the rest of the day for that final dismissal bell to ring, and met up with nick and briar in the halls, which they had not been expecting.

"hey guys!" she spoke happily.

"hey mavis, are you about to head out?" briar asked her, knowing she had been avoiding watching lacrosse coaching due to her well, obvious dislike of the game.

"no, i actually thought i'd come watch with you guys today." said mavis, a bright smile spread across her face.

"are you being serious or are you just fucking around?" nick stepped back, almost afraid of the girl.

"don't make it seem so weird nick, i just wanna come watch, that's all." she reassured the two.

"you're sure that's all?" briar raised a brow, getting a weird feeling that she was planning something else.

"positive." mavis beamed, already turning around to start walking towards the field.

she turned back, noticing the pair were not walking along with her, but instead standing frozen in place.

"well come on!" mavis called out to them.

nick and briar exchanged a worried glance, but quickly started jogging to catch up to the girl nonetheless.

when the group approached the three boys, they immediately stopped their warm up and chris nearly dropped his stick on the ground in shock.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" he spat, hating that the girl showed up.

"just coming to watch, you know since you're so amazing and all." she smiled, but chris could tell it wasn't genuine.

"okay, ha ha, so funny, now can you please leave? we actually have to focus and take this shit seriously." said chris.

mavis barked out a laugh, "i'm pretty sure you can practice just fine with me being here."

chris clenched his jaw, anger consuming his entire body.

he could not believe she had the nerve to show up here, after always making his biggest passion out to be some big joke.

he just wanted her to leave.

"whatever." he scoffed, turning around and jogging further out from them.

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃, chris sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now