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the following morning, matt received a text from mavis saying her mom would be dropping her off at school.

he felt extremely guilty, even though it wasn't technically him that made her upset.

sometimes he hated his brother for the way he acted towards the girl. she was the one person he'd always been able to rely on outside of his family, so naturally, matt always wanted to protect her like family would.

when his own brother was the source of her unhappiness, he just felt like shit. all he wanted was for them to get along.

the car ride to school was tense to say the least, and everyone could feel it.

nick minded his business on his phone in the back seat, wanting to stay out of whatever the weird vibe between chris and matt was about.

when chris moved to change the song playing and matt practically slapped his hand away, chris decided to speak up.

"what the fuck is your problem this morning?" he asked, aggression present in his tone.

"my problem is that mavis isn't here, and it's your fucking fault." matt kept his eyes on the road.

"dude, who gives a shit? if she wants to stay butthurt she can stay that way, she'll get over it at some point." said chris.

"no chris, the way you acted yesterday wasn't normal for you two. you gotta realize that." matt shook his head.

"okay? she was pushing my boundaries, i was already having a shit practice and she came there wanting to make it worse. it was literally her goal to make me react that way." chris replied, unbothered by matt's statement.

"okay, maybe she did, but i highly doubt she expected you to cuss her out that seriously and then fucking drag her away from everyone? you took that shit too far, there's a reason she didn't wanna ride with us today." matt spoke as if it were obvious.

"yeah, i'm the reason, i get it. can't you just back me up for once? god, it's like you're in love with her or something." chris pretended to gag.

matt was in utter disbelief at what he had just said. he cared about mavis to the point where he would probably die for her, but he never felt anything besides purely platonic love for the girl.

he wondered why his brother was making these assumptions, and why he could even care to think about things like that when they involved his childhood nemesis.

"no way you just said that shit chris." nick finally chimed in, laughing at the comment.

"what? it's literally true." chris put his hands up in defense.

"you know it's not like that, she's literally like my sister. why would you even care about that shit anyway?" matt asked.

"i don't. i don't care." chris denied.

"uh alright buddy, you sound so sus right now." nick cackled at the straight face chris was currently attempting to hold.

he couldn't take it anymore, and immediately burst out laughing.

"i can't believe you guys think i care about fucking mavis." chris chuckled, finding the whole conversation hilarious.

"okay, forget this stupid shit, can you just apologize and make things right with her today?" matt pleaded with the boy.

"uh, hard pass." chris rejected him instantly.

"chris!" nick yelled at him.

"what? i'm not doing that shit. i have way too much self respect to ever apologize to her. she doesn't deserve an apology anyway, she knew what she was doing." chris put a hand up, as if to silence nick.

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃, chris sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now