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it was mavis' eighth birthday, and she couldn't have been more excited to go to school. she absolutely adored going to school on her birthday.

it was the one day of the year where no one could call her a know it all, or make fun of her for liking homework so much.

she even was allowed to dress herself up that day, and so she wore a light blue dress that she told her mom she liked because it was the same colour as her eyes.

she strode into school that day, and almost every kid in her class had wished her a happy birthday. all except one.

chris sturniolo of course.

she thought that maybe he would simply be giving her this day to not try to get on her nerves, but boy was she wrong.

everyone was sitting around in art class, drawing different pictures. mavis was having a great time drawing rainbows and butterflies, until chris decided to jump up onto a table.

"hey everyone! look at my drawing, it's mavis!" he proudly held out the picture he had drawn for everyone to see, a smug grin held on his face as he challenged his nemesis.

there she was, in her blue dress, only her hair wasn't her hair. no, chris had drawn her hair out to be flames, burning bright orange and red. the entire year he had been making this ongoing joke of getting other kids to make fun of mavis for her 'weird' hair, and now he was trying to humiliate her on her birthday.

all of their classmates started to laugh like it was the funniest thing in the world, but mavis just wasn't having it.

she stormed over towards the boy, ripping the paper right from out of his hands.

one by one, she ripped it in half, and then into smaller and smaller sections, destroying the so called portrait chris had made.

"hey! you can't do that!" chris jumped down from the desk, trying to grab the pieces she had torn up so he could tape them back together.

"it's my birthday chris! you can't make fun of me today!" she complained, fighting back as his invasive hands tried to steal away bits and pieces of the paper.

"i can do whatever i want! you know you're not the boss of anyone mavis. so stop acting like you're in charge!" the two kids were now scrambling with each other, before their teacher came back into the room.

"chris and mavis! what is it with you two? why do you always have to be the ones starting problems?" she sighed, having had enough of their feud.

she really hoped her next year's students wouldn't be so crazy.

"it's not my fault he's a butthead!" mavis stuck her tongue out at the boy standing next to her.

"well it's not my fault she looks weird!" chris stuck his out right back, but mavis was now a little hurt.

she was always a little insecure about her hair, it just always seemed to stick out. still, she never thought anyone would say that she looked weird because of it, only that maybe her academic habits were a little strange for her age.

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃, chris sturniolo ✓Where stories live. Discover now