{1} boy in the rain

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July 1922, South Korea.

"You know very well that I won't let you attend the camp!"

"I'm going to go anyways, dad. I can't miss it."

"It's obviously because of that new friend of yours, isn't it?"

"How does that even matter? I'm going! Goodbye!"

August 2022, South Korea.

A wave of nonchalance filled him up once he settled on his spot, waiting for his group of friends to arrive. He despised being alone and his weariness spoke for itself, signalling his own unfortunate self to simply get over with the day.

It was his favourite café and his favourite time of the day as he watched through the giant glass window how the sun was setting by radiating a palette of numerous yellows, oranges and reds. He loved how beautifully the colours merged into the blue sky he relished.

It wasn't long until five guys who looked quite admirable and pleasant walked over to him and took their spots without a lot of commotion or some surprise of any sort. Extremely peculiar how all of them walked in together but the boy who had been waiting for an eternity didn't actually mind.

"How is it that y'all enter like a whole mob of idiots?" The brunet asked, sipping his iced caramel mocha which had arrived long ago but his head refused to have it since the others hadn't arrived.

"We were all at Jimin's place before we came here." A tall guy with the prettiest dimples named Namjoon spoke first.

"Without me? Why is that?" The boy asked again, quite provoked by his friend's words.

"For your birthday surprise, of course! How dumb can you be, Jungkook." Another cheerful voice added in, belonging to Hoseok.

"You did not just say that to my face." Jungkook uttered, in complete disbelief after hearing him out.

"Forget it. How are you doing, Kook? You seem down today." The boy wearing a yellow hoodie chimed in, introducing his concern to the table.

"It's nothing, Jimin hyung. I'm just very tired. The second semester is going to start in September and I feel unprepared. Plus, the part time jobs have been sucking out all energy from me."

The youngest boy had taken up some part time jobs to support himself as a university student. Ever since he had been disowned by his parents, he knew he was his own master and had to feed himself while educating himself. A tough task indeed but he surely had some good amount of savings on him so it was not strenuous anymore.

"I think someone asked you a hundred times to leave this lifestyle and live with him and his parents. The offer is still applicable, you know." A blindingly handsome guy spoke up, making the boy sigh.

"Jin hyung, I can't. I really appreciate it all but I just wanna show it to them. I want to prove that I can indeed do what they thought I'll never be able to do." Jungkook let out with a drastic change of tone in his voice, going from grateful to confident.

"Guys, can we just do what we were here for in the first place? Not everything has to be depressing." The blond guy named Yoongi tried very best to hide his beautifully infamous gummy smile when he earned an affiliative and assured smile from Jungkook.

"Right!" Hoseok jutted in, grabbing all the attention.
"Kook, there's this party in one of the night clubs nearby and Jimin has been invited. That guy has asked him to bring along all his friends! You have to come. No excuses!" He continued, sheer excitement radiating off his tone.

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