{18} mine is yours

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August 1922, South Korea

Life seemed a lot easier.

Weeks and weeks of seeing Taehyung and the smitten boy could not get enough. Jungkook was like a lovesick boy, someone who wanted nothing but happiness in his life. And that happiness was guaranteed when he stayed around Taehyung.

It had been a while since their return from the trip. He clearly remembers how his dad didn't talk to him for about two days before giving in and forgiving the boy for moving away without any consultation. He was thankful that the situation didn't escalate and silently took it as his reward.

Ever since then, the two had been meeting up every evening at the same spot. The tunnel and the forest towards its other end. Conversations were made, feelings were noted, smiling and frowning, laughing and crying, fulfilling desires and showcasing love. It was now a common sight and the feeling pertained was incredible.

It was just like any other day and Jungkook was walking back home. Smiling and giggling about the encounter with Taehyung a few minutes ago, he walked over to the respective house. However, before him was standing a worked up friend.

Min Yoongi.

He was the son of the landlords, which meant he wasn't permitted to be friends with him but Yoongi was so sweet that he never let Jungkook feel lower than him or lonely in any sense. He was also the only person who knew about Taehyung and him.

"Hyung? What's wrong?" Jungkook walked over to him in worry, noticing how there was definitely something on his mind.

"SSA, Jungkook. They came over about an hour ago. The hygienic check or something. They collected sanitation fee from your father and he seemed very distressed."

Jungkook's eyes widened at that, growing utterly surprised and rather perplexed.

Seoul Sanitation Association was not a joke. Since the Japanese had taken over, there were loads of things they had initiated. SSA was one such association. They wanted the betterment of hygienic conditions in Korea and would do house checking occasionally. If they don't find the sanitation up to the mark, they wouldn't hesitate to collect a 'sanitation fee' as a punishment. And that amount was a lot for a family like Jungkook's.

"Thanks hyung, I need to go." And that's how Jungkook ran straight to the small set of rooms his family lived in.

The moment he came in, his dad who had been sitting on a chair until now brought his gaze to his son's level. He seemed upset, disappointed and rather exasperated.

"Where were you?" These were the first set of words that left the father's mouth as he quickly got up and walked over towards a scared Jungkook. His mom could do nothing but watch the scene unfold with teary eyes, sitting at a corner. She looked distressed.

"I...in the p-park. For s..some fresh air." He spoke with a small voice, clearly a stuttering mess since he hated lying.

His father chuckled sarcastically,
"I know very well you were with this new friend of yours. Jungkook, are you even in your right mind? What makes you think making friends with an elite's kid is going to serve any validation? Where are you when your family needs you the most!" He yelled, almost fuming with anger at this point.

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