{25} another chance

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September 1922, South Korea

What date was it again? He couldn't figure out. The boy had barely got out of his room these past few days, too engrossed in his own depressing thoughts about Taehyung.

The guilt of leaving him, the failure he faced in saving him...it was all coming at him to swallow him alive. Jungkook didn't feel like eating, going out, talking to someone or even moving from his spot. He had been glued to his bed for the past few days, eyes and face void of even a slightest emotion.

Tonight was the night he had planned to escape. Staring out his small window, he would wait for darkness to appear in the sky soon. He was confident enough that the moment everyone would fall asleep, he would run away.

He couldn't live here anymore. The streets reminded him of Taehyung, every other spot reminded him of Taehyung. The persuasion and pity from everyone, his own parents worried for him but at the same time adamant on ignoring his intense love for the boy...it was so frustrating. He really didn't have to go through this.

It was now that he needed to be alone for sometime. He didn't know if he would ever come back. All he knew was to leave as soon as possible.

The right time came and without being caught by any of the people he had suspected, it turned out to be an easy escape for him. He had left a letter addressing his departure in his parents' room next to their peacefully sleeping forms and on his way away from home, he had with him very little saved money, the watch which was a gift from Taehyung and the book that started it all. The Enchanted April.

Jungkook had never been out in the middle of the night. It was a different experience, totally new for him. Pitch black darkness, no sound and no people around. As scary as it sounded, this is exactly what Jungkook had yearned in this moment.

Away from this part of the city, he had by now reached a weirdly welcoming area. Something he wasn't very fond of until now but the idea suddenly felt about right to him. It was unsettling but he practically had nothing to lose as he made hasty steps towards the bunch of men of all age groups, sitting on chairs and chit chatting.

Empty and some full bottles of alcohol could be found lying all over the place, being ignored in the dark. The men were too joyous and having the time of their lives when they noticed a young boy walking towards them.

"Want a drink?" One of the guys proposed. He was probably a little younger than Jungkook, which was surprising to him but he really didn't have enough sanity to think over it.

"Yes. I don't have money though." Jungkook lied, face more than just stoic. He barely had some money and he obviously didn't want to waste it the moment he got out on something so wrong.

"It's fine. Free offer for newbies." An old man with a chirpy voice chimed in, throwing a full bottle towards the boy before going back to continue his talk with his friends.

Jungkook couldn't express his gratitude with a smile since he had lost it days before. All he could do was present to him a simple bow before taking up one of the empty chairs and seating himself down, as emotionless as ever.

He stared wordlessly at the bottle of alcohol for a good minute. He had never tasted it before but he had obviously heard that it could make a person forget about all their worries, all their pain. A fair deal, isn't it?

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