{19} grave sin

484 55 7

September 2022, South Korea

A crying Taehyung saw no other option but to pick up the passed out boy by supporting the back of his knees and neck and run away from the bridge. A few people had gathered by then but he clearly ignored their presence and focused on reaching home.

He had no vehicle on him and he couldn't wait for a friend's arrival either. Fortunately for him, his apartment was nearby so it didn't sound to him like a bother when he ran across random streets with an unconscious Jungkook in his arms. The younger's waist was more cinched than anyone's and he didn't exactly weigh so much, adding onto the relief.

He received some judgemental, pitiful looks from the people throughout this area. He was still crying, not knowing exactly why. He didn't mind it. He simply did not care.

With a hell lot of concern and sheer determination, he walked up to the apartment. Breathless and speechless even, he kick slammed the door open. He hadn't locked it before leaving, expecting to never be back again. However, destiny had different plans for him.

He did not waste another precious second as he dashed inside his room, which was still as messy as ever. Gently and slowly, he placed the younger on his bed with a sigh. He dropped down to the floor on his knees right next to the sleeping boy, observing his face for a good minute.

Taehyung was panting, the long run had obviously taken a toll on him. He worriedly stared at the boy, caressing his face in the process. What happened today was disheartening, both for Jungkook and himself. The elder had decided to end his life today. But then he had a quick deja vu where Jungkook was going absolutely feral after losing him. And it did happen.

A shaky breath left his mouth, reminiscing that moment. The intensity and the panic of the moment was indeed immense but the way Jungkook acted...it definitely had more to it. And he was sure of it by now. There was indeed a connect between them which he had refused to believe until now.

His gaze was fixated at Jungkook, watching his immobilised body wordlessly. Tear stains had littered his face in entirety, eyes shut ever so peacefully. Soft breaths would leave his mouth seamlessly, his face looking more beautiful than ever. The surprising factor was that he hadn't woken up yet.

It was strange. Despite all that running and every sort of movement, Jungkook did not move one bit. As normal as it sounded, it wasn't such. Taehyung was really concerned and had no other option but to call up someone so as to get a gist of it all.

Just then, an unfamiliar ringtone distracted him. Jungkook's phone was ringing somewhere in his pockets. It had to be one of his friends. This was the perfect opportunity.

Taehyung quickly dug his hands inside the right pocket of his trousers and whipped out the phone. He didn't know who it would be but whoever it was, they had to be of some help.

It said Yoongi hyung<3.

Taehyung had heard that name before and he was so sure that he was one of Jungkook's best friends. He thought over it for a second but decided that there was no better option as he hurriedly answered the call.

"Where the fuck are you, Kook? Sophie told me y'all had a weird phone call about Taehyung. Did you see him? Is he okay? She's been freaking out ever since, why are you not saying a word?" The elder blabbered from the other end, unaware that the person attending his call was not Jungkook.

"I'm alright, please tell that to Sophie." Taehyung spoke awkwardly, not knowing how to respond. He had no idea about what Yoongi was talking about but he instantly fell into a pit of regret hearing that Jungkook was coming to check on him.

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