{20} it's a promise

443 57 4

September 1922, South Korea

The past few days were the worst days for the boys. Jungkook's birthday had casually passed and there was no excitement or enjoyment. It was all going downhill for them.

Taehyung was especially heartbroken. He loved his parents so much that he never expected to be treated in such a manner by them. They were the last people he had expected would ever go against him. Right now in this situation, he felt so betrayed and completely wronged.

The day their secret was exposed, it turned out to be his biggest nightmare coming to life. He lost Jungkook, he lost his parents' love, he lost himself. He could see how hard his father was trying to not lose his cool but he couldn't. If it weren't for his mom being involved, he would've been disowned by now.

The boy had been locked up in his room and all that was left for him was to simply stare out the window, catching glimpses of small doves flying across the sky every now and then. His eyes would tear up at the sight but there was nothing he could do about it.

Just then, he heard a shuffling noise telling him that the room was being unlocked. He moved his gaze towards the sound and saw his father entering the room with the same uninterested look on his face.

"How long is this going to continue? Aren't you done yet?" He asked in his deep rash tone, hands crossed against his chest.

"Not yet." Taehyung smiled slightly, still amazed by his father's behaviour towards him.

"Taehyung, I'm telling you again. Whatever you're thinking is not possible. Get back on track without me forcing you."

"Try it then." Taehyung got up from his spot and with an emotionless face, walked towards his father. They now stood face to face.

"Try to force me. I'm not afraid of you, dad." Tears welled up in his eyes as he confronted his father. Of course, he wasn't afraid. He had never been.

"You're gonna give me that attitude now?"

Taehyung didn't know what came over his father but the man did not hesitate to push him to the ground. It was baffling and unexpected when he was met with numerous punches and kicks. His dad was not in the mood to show any mercy towards his son who was in terrible pain.

"Why do I have a son like you?"

Tormented groans from Taehyung resounded in the room when Namhyun didn't stop. In sheer discomfort, he would try to resist the attacks but stayed unsuccessful in his attempts.

"What sin did I commit to be met with this fate?"

Taehyung's entire body ached; physically and mentally it wasn't a perfect experience for him. He could've never imagined a day he would be on the ground laying helplessly and his father's kicks and punches would be greeting him every now and then.

"Are you really so stupid?"

Taehyung had stopped resisting by now, his protests becoming weaker and weaker before softly turning into sobs. He was drained out completely. This was not a day he had prepared himself for.

"Who taught you to cry in my house? Was it that boy again?"

The kicks turned wilder this time around, making the boy hug his body to the most extent. The floor was rough but the assault was harsher. He could feel his body getting ready for the formation of an insane amount of bruises. The pain was paralyzing, making him immobilised.

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