{7} heart's call

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June 1922, South Korea

No meetings, no discussions, no provocation and no problems. This is how a problematic person had been viewed for an eternity, leaving the boys no choice but to stop crossing paths.

They stopped their occasional meet ups in the wide and beautiful park, decided to not show up in front of each other and even if they did, the instinct was to avoid the other. It was childish but surged for the best to preserve their sanity.

The both knew what they had felt for each other that evening, it was so beautiful yet so sinful. It was not a doubt that they would leave everything behind just to feel each other's presence and intimacy yet again but precautions are always better than a cure, right?

Jungkook was silently walking through the empty road, the recently bought novel in his hand. He had, in fact, come out of his house to stay outside and read with the strong winds blowing through his hair and skin. However, he couldn't pay attention. Highly unlikely of him. So he got up the moment this realisation struck him and decided to go for a walk.

Not in the park. But through the silent and empty road behind it.

He walked and walked and walked; the winds hitting him hard, neatly worn white shirt now slightly following the wind's direction from the edges. His expression was nonchalant, until he heard some footsteps. Definitely not his own.

He turned his head towards his right to find the boy of his dreams trodding the same path as his. He was on the extreme right and Jungkook was on the extreme left, both at the same pace. They walked wordlessly, trying their very best to ignore the other's presence. So scared and so naive, they didn't even know what happened to them every time they were around each other.

The steps had slowed down, eyes never on the road. Those pair of eyes were so busy gazing at each other ever so often, totally distracted from their walks. The winds were blowing hard, bodies shuddering at the impact. Hearts were beating erratically, leaving no room to breathe comfortably.

Being in each other's presence when no one was around raised the tension a lot more than it should.

They stopped, gazes finally interlocked. The two continued to stare at the other's beautiful face they had longed to see for the past few weeks from the extreme ends of the road. It was so cool out there, chilling enough for them to catch a cold. But they stayed unhinged. Unmoving.

The tunnel was right in front of them, eager for their arrival. However, there was no way they could make a step forward since it would mean that they had lost their control entirely and surrendered to their monstrously strange feelings for each other.

No words had been exchanged yet and all they knew was to continue their eye contact, not having it in them to break free. They didn't want to go back home this evening feeling like cowards. It was a surprise to both how just the mere faces of each other could bring in such a change in their entire state and desires.

It was not a joke.

Jungkook passed a small look towards the tunnel before bringing his gaze back to Taehyung. He earned the sign, both their hearts racing to show their excitement. The two young boys did not look back or think twice before making a run inside the tunnel, Taehyung evidently enough scurrying over to Jungkook's side.

With an impatient pant leaving off his mouth, he did not wait for another moment to firmly yet softly hold the younger's face and place their lips against each other in a kiss full of desires, words unspoken and feelings unexpressed.

Jungkook was pressed entirely to the chilly walls of the tunnel, not minding how it hit his slightly exposed waist, the shirt flowing away yet again. He greedily and ever so carefully wrapped his arms around Taehyung's torso, The Enchanted April pressing against the elder's back incessantly.

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