{24} saga of love

478 59 3

September 2022, South Korea


Jungkook voiced out the first word he could think of, eyes already glistening at the sight of the boy he had been successful to save this time.

The mentioned elder quickly turned around with widened eyes, as if in disbelief after hearing Jungkook's voice. He would've passed it off as a hallucination but when he saw the younger walking towards him with teary eyes and the widest smile on his face, a sudden relief and contentment rushed through his body.

"Oh my god Jungkook, you're up!" And without wasting another second, Taehyung was quick enough to engulf the younger's frame in his arms. For the first time in his life, he felt accomplished. He felt happy in real sense.

"Goodness, you can't imagine how worried I was...thank God." Taehyung mumbled, caressing his hair gently while his other arm was peacefully and effortlessly placed around the younger's waist.

Jungkook was no less relieved either. He had his arms tightly wrapped around Taehyung's torso, almost compressing his body with the rigidity. He didn't have it in him to let go, burying his head in the crook of the elder's neck. Taehyung didn't want to question it, staying in the same position for as long as the younger wanted.

No explanations or words were exchanged, all they could feel in the silence of this new morning were each other's breaths and escalated heartbeats against their chests. It was so satisfying, so fulfilling.

Soon after, Jungkook pulled away and faced the boy he had longed for this entire time. Staring at him would never be enough and Jungkook was aware of the fact, knowing very well that he wouldn't be able to keep in his urges if he looked at the boy for another mere second.

He wanted to kiss him, tell him how much he missed him, recite to him everything he saw in his dream...but it wasn't going to be just yet. He had to get a hold of his emotions and make sure Taehyung wouldn't get uncomfortable. After watching the elder almost commit suicide, he was quite shaken up and decided to be cautious around him. There was no chance for any recklessness.

"I'll tell you everything." Jungkook clarified before the elder could even question.

"Can I just get freshened up? You know, it feels weird to get up after such a long sleep. I probably slept for an entire day." The younger chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Mhm." Taehyung hummed, arms crossing over his chest as he passed the boy an amused look.
"I think it's safe to say that it'll be surprising for you if I say you slept for three days straight."

"Thr-what?" Blinking eyes in pure confusion, Jungkook could barely even process this piece of information. There was no way...how was this even possible?

"I've been sleeping here at your place for three days?" He asked again in sheer disbelief, still not able to come to terms with it.


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I can't even imagine how much of a trouble that was. I'll definitely pay you back for this but now, I should go. Okay, bye!" Jungkook quickly fumbled up with some words and speaking so anxiously, he got ready to run away until he was caught by someone.

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