{10} my dove

520 64 4

August 2022, South Korea

A minute passed. Then more. And then more. Jungkook wouldn't stop crying, his grip on the elder's overcoat only getting stronger and clothes only getting wetter. He was shaking so evidently that it couldn't be ignored. Taehyung knew very well that if it wasn't for him holding the boy in place, he would've collapsed long ago.

Well, this made him wonder something a bit too unpleasant as he forcefully pulled the crying boy apart, staring at his teary eyed, reddened face with a look of concern in his eyes.

"Did someone do something to you? This area...it's not quite safe." His eyes were fixated on the younger, who had seemingly stopped new tears from dripping.

"No." Jungkook mumbled lowly, eyes never leaving the ground. He didn't know how to face Taehyung with a puffy and messed up face like his.

"Then look at me."

There came a demand. It wasn't a request or a statement, it was an order. Something Jungkook had no other choice but to follow. He swiftly lifted up his gaze, teary eyes meeting the squinted ones of the elder.

"What is it? Don't wanna share with me?" He softly asked, the younger's full attention onto him by now.

"Your parents..."

"What? You saw them? Oh my god. They did something to you, didn't they? Gosh, where are they I'm gonna-"

"Shh." Jungkook cut him off, the anger he had felt earlier suddenly appearing to be justified. He couldn't help the small smile that formed onto his lips despite the uncanny situation.

"No, I didn't see them. Forget it."

"How can I forget it? And what do you think you're even doing here? This area is famous among commoners for a lot of illegal businesses and threats. Were you aware of this?"

Jungkook blankly stared at him, too astonished after hearing the least expected fact. He slowly shook his head as a 'no', indicating that he genuinely had no clue.

"Ugh, what do I even do with your dumb ass? How could you find only one place for crying? The shops being shut so soon...did that not tell you something? Literally no one would've even come out to help here if something happened. Gosh, be more careful!" Taehyung ranted, watching the younger look around in embarrassment.

How does he even explain Taehyung that he was too enraged by a mere picture of his parents to even check his surroundings?

Just then, another thought arose in his head.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook was now the one interrogating with hands on his hips and eyes directed towards a guilty Taehyung who seemed to be looking anywhere but at him.


"What business do you have here?" Jungkook wouldn't leave a chance to corner the boy at least today.

"Fine, I sometimes need money and come here to deal with drugs. Not always, maybe once a month or so."

He spoke quickly, almost wishing that the younger wouldn't hear. He didn't know why he had started to care so much about impression in front of him lately but he was indeed quite conscious about it.

"I'm sorry?" Mouth wide open and eyes passing him a questionable look, Jungkook was as stunned as predicted.

"No I mean, how did you even get involved into this shit? Goodness, come on! If you want money, there are loads of part times. You don't really need to become a drug addict just for money."

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