{4} zone of flashbacks

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June 1922, South Korea

Jungkook had arrived fairly early to the park this evening. It was one of the days he finished off his assignments for the day hurriedly enough to make it here on time. The boy had to go as far as dismissing his reading time, which he had gladly postponed to the night.

All just for a boy with curly hair and heavenly eyes.

He had been walking for a while and soon decided to stop after having exhausted himself too much for no reason. A wooden bench planted at a corner turned out to be his seat for the next few minutes.

The boy sighed, what was he even expecting? Did he really think that the boy from an elite family would show up in this park to meet him again? Well, nice try. Quite high hopes for sure. He didn't know why he was so saddened by the thought. They weren't even that close in the first place.

Jungkook closed his eyes, taking in small deep breaths. Kind of upset with himself for having such expectations but also trying to find a sort of solace in the cool refreshing breeze.

"Waiting for me?"

The voice resounding next to him was startling and he quickly looked his way, encountering the one he had stopped expecting by now. Eyes widened and lips turning into a very slight smile he didn't want him to witness, he looked at him while observing the man's immaculate dressing sense.

"Of course not, I come here everyday." Jungkook shrugged it off, ever so smoothly scooting closer to the boy.

"And that is not gonna change anytime soon."

August 2022, South Korea

"Oh my god Kook, stop stressing out." Jin sighed after observing the boy who seemed to be zoning out quite a lot.

The mentioned young man had been working his ass off these past few weeks, feeling almost lifeless. It was another tiring day for him working at the café, taking in orders and helping in the preparation. He was simply exhausted with everything, explaining why he took an off from the bar today and joined his friends for the much awaited party they had been insisting him for.

All he could do was doze off and start hallucinating simply at the sight of alcohol. He would possibly never understand his immense hate for it but all he knew was that this place was taking over his senses and making him unstable.

It was an interesting question to ask what exactly made him work as a bartender, given his condition. Well, it was simple. He was desperate to earn money at any cost and after all, he didn't have to drink to make drinks. It was the drunken environment which took him a while to get used to but he could manage that.

Now that was his work. He always avoided going to bars otherwise since his only motivation, that being money was not involved.

The boy was starting to get used to this awful smell as the conversation among all his friends went on. He couldn't find himself to be a huge part of it since he was tired as fuck and wanted nothing more than some rest.

"Is something bothering you?" Yoongi walked over from the other side to sit next to Jungkook, offering him a plate of snacks. The boy simply shook his head at his offer before replying soon after.

"There is this guy who seems to be bringing some trouble in but that's okay, I think. I'll see what to do about it. Right now though, I really feel like sleeping. I think I should go out for some fresh air." Saying this, he got up from his spot and excused himself. Yoongi was left blank at his words and sudden disappearance but was too drunk to be bothered.

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