{26} provocative push ups

519 52 6

September 2022, South Korea

"Hi!" The younger chirped in an unusually excited voice, eyes struggling to stay open.

Taehyung quirked an eyebrow at him, having sensed how drunk the boy was. As if proving it to him, Jungkook tumbled on his spot while trying to lean against the door frame. Quickly, without wasting a second, Taehyung grabbed his arm to hold him in place.

The elder sighed at his unresponsive behaviour and while shaking his head in disbelief, he pulled the boy inside as he shut the door.

"What is going on, Jungkook? Since when have you started drinking? I thought you had a problem with alcohol?" Taehyung let out in an investigating tone, trying to lead him inside. The boy was reeking of alcohol, too unlikely of him.

"I was with my friends..." Jungkook took a pause, as if catching his breath and attempting to open up his eyes while trying to have a look at the elder.

"We were...having a party. I felt that I should try it today...how amazing!" The boy sloppily spoke, drunken words escaping his lips as he broke into a fit of laughter.

Taehyung passed him a look of disbelief. Was it really that easy to persuade Jungkook? He watched silently as his sleeve was firmly clutched in the younger's hold as he tried to stand still. Goodness, this boy was a literal mess.

"You know wha-ah!" Jungkook couldn't complete his sentence as his foot bumped against a wooden table while carelessly and drunkenly  walking. Ugh, it hurt like hell. Taehyung rushed to him, worriedly watching the boy hunch down as his feet convulsed.

"Get a hold of yourself Jungkook! Pay attention to the surroundings." He scolded the already sulking boy, trying to prove his point.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook mumbled, lips forming a small guilty pout. It was so cute that Taehyung wanted to kiss it away.

"Don't apologize. Just be careful. Are you hurt?" Taehyung asked with a genuine concern in his voice, watching the sullen boy soon become energetic yet again.

However, confusing the elder and leaving him with no guesses to make, Jungkook took small daring steps towards him. A cocky smirk wouldn't leave his face anytime soon as he entangled his feet with Taehyung's, earning a confused gaze from him.

"Jungkook, what are you-"

Taehyung could only let out a surprised gasp when his sentence was cut off and his body was thrown onto the huge spacious couch behind him. His breath hitched and it took a wild second to earn it back as his body and the back of his head hit the soft surface. He quickly moved his gaze towards Jungkook right after, wide eyed.

Before he could begin to process the situation or question the younger boy's actions, Jungkook himself came crashing down on the same couch, body completely hovering over the elder's.

Taehyung had possibly forgotten how to breathe for the next minute. Jungkook's gorgeous face lingering above his own, hands on either sides of his body as he tried to slightly lift himself up and not entirely press against the elder. Their legs were tangled up and so were their feet, bringing in a source of sudden uplifting warmth.

All in all, Taehyung was flustered.

He could feel the weird heat rising up to his cheeks as he continued to stare up at the younger, completely immobilised on his spot. His big  sparkly doe eyes were staring down at the boy so intently, as if wanting to devour him whole. His lips looked as tempting as ever, soft and moist. Taehyung could barely even control himself.

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