{3} confrontation

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June 1922, South Korea

Jungkook lived in a very diverse and ordinary society. It was an area full of wealthy and honourable landlords and their respective renters. Yes, he was a part of the second category.

His dad was a tailor who made adequate money to pay for his only son's education, to manage putting him in a good university among the educated class, to pay their rent and to support their family. It was an occupation where he faced quite a lot of downfall. Nevertheless, the family was still somehow hanging off.

The boy didn't have the best relationship with his family when it came to his interest in reading. He really loved them and he knew they loved him too. He understood why they asked him to stay away from this hobby since it was an expensive one. However, he couldn't really control himself from seeking comfort from the imaginary friends that the characters had soon become.

The boy was strolling in a park nearby where all sorts of people were allowed, surprisingly. But the world couldn't be stopped from being ignorant so the park had become one for the lower class in no time.

"Jungkook!" He halted in his steps, hearing an oddly familiar voice calling him out from a distance. He turned around, peculiarly looking back to find him.

"Hey, hyung." He whispered when the guy reached over to him, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of his elite friend.

Taehyung was panting hard after having ran too much, not able to respond to the younger. Jungkook's captivated little mind couldn't help but make him stare at the stunning man before him.

His curly hair were still slightly bouncing from the impact, eyes were half-lidded as he stood in an exhausted stance and lips were parted slightly as he tried taking in small breaths. Jungkook was shamelessly staring and strangely enough, he did not regret one bit of it.

"What brings you here?" Taehyung asked after a minute of catching up his breath before suddenly stepping forth again, motioning for the younger to follow.

"Do you live around here?" He asked again, the two walking side by side now.

"Yes, you too?" He asked in an expression holding both confusion and amazement. There was no way.

"Kim's residence. Third one from the lane." Taehyung replied, pretty old signature smile plastered on his face.

Jungkook turned to look at him in surprise, shining doe eyes widening at the sudden revelation.
"I'm a tenant at the Min's. Eighth from the lane."

There was a wide grin of utter surprise and obvious contentment when it was all exposed. The two bright young boys couldn't help but let out small hearty chuckles at their newfound happiness.

"We'll definitely meet more often then, Jungkook."

August 2022, South Korea

Jungkook quickly and wordlessly made it to his spot on the counter, eyes meeting Jimin's. It was not difficult to make out that he looked quite distressed, as if his very dearly right had been violated.

"What's wrong, hyung?" The younger asked with a worried set of eyes, his tone radiating the same.

"Kookie. I had a fight with this guy. I have no clue what he was doing so early in the café but I had come here to see you cause I woke up early today and had nothing better to do.

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