{29} in the name of love

838 64 19

Love this song.

December 2022, South Korea

"Stop tickling me, Sophie!" Jimin yelled with a convulsed face as he tried his very best to control his laughter while he carried a giant heavy carton full of curtains and bedsheets.

"Your face!" She laughed, soon walking away towards Hoseok and Yoongi, helping them with the settling of the couch.

There had been a huge commotion this past week and it was finally reaching its height today. Why? Because Taehyung and Jungkook were moving in together.

It was obvious how the two were clearly not very rich when it came to their finances and they could see themselves going absolutely broke by the next few months. The boys did not hesitate for a moment when the idea of moving in together was shared the previous week since it was the best settlement for them.

Firstly, they didn't have to pay an awfully high rent for their own separate apartments all on their own. They could easily share Taehyung's apartment which was clearly more convenient and also share the rent. Such a save on their pockets.

Secondly, all the other maintenance and daily requirements could be achieved way easily and there would be more savings.

Thirdly and most importantly, they wouldn't have to make a thirty minutes journey to see each other. They had got the chance to live together and stay in each other's presence the whole time. Jungkook had always hated being alone and no one in particular knew about it apart from Taehyung. So when the younger proposed this idea, it was no surprise that Taehyung was quick to say yes.

"Ugh, my back hurts." Yoongi plopped down on the same couch they had been setting for the past few minutes, exhaustion tearing apart the boy.

"There's no way you're saying you've worked hard when a person who fixed up all the new lighting of this place is standing right here." Namjoon sighed, beads of sweat dripping off his forehead as he sat next to the tired Yoongi.

"You're studying mechanics. It only makes sense for you to help in that area." Hoseok blurted in response, quick enough to drop on the couch next to Yoongi.

Hoseok found the sight of a tired Yoongi adorable the longer he stared at his baby-like face protruding a small pout. With a small smile adorning his face, he stealthily placed his arm around the elder's shoulder and pulled him close. Yoongi was quick to rest his head on the younger's shoulder, the sudden found comfort relieving his senses.

"They're so cute."

"Ugh, not these two again."

Sophie and Jimin said simultaneously and then totally dismissed the topic after passing a judgemental look towards each other. They really did not want to argue on the same topic for the nth time, having had enough of it. Quietly and lazily, the two threw themselves on the couch right after just like the rest.

"I can't believe this is what I have to see after leaving y'all on your own for a few minutes." Jin came in after setting up a bunch of art pieces in the other part of the living room, looking all fresh and not exhausted one bit. As much of a surprise it sounds, it didn't really surprise the others one bit.

"Seriously though, how did I end up being friends with a bunch of weirdly personified guys." Sophie uttered in disbelief, a sigh escaping her lips.

"That's not the point right now. Any idea where the boys are?" Jin dismissed the subject quickly, gaining everyone's attention. It was this question that made a peacefully dozed off Yoongi wake up from his sleep.

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