{13} mystical music

501 56 5

July 1922, South Korea

Two days had eventfully passed in the trip. It was another evening, all students were by the beautiful water body with no name. It was a famous spot, despite the scenario of its unnamed nature.

Most of the students could be seen in expensive looking fashionable suits, the new trend of this era. Introduced mainly by the Japanese as a form of modernisation, these suits were quite welcomed by the higher classes, influence never forgetting to reach the lower ones.

The girls had adapted new kinds of dresses and hairstyles, all seemingly attractive for the other guys but definitely not for the two young boys standing close to each other as a part of the crowd.


The mentioned boy smiled at the new nickname he would randomly get called by as per the wish of Taehyung. It was a recent one but it still made him weirdly giddy inside. Taehyung was obviously about to say something but looking at the boy next to him smiling widely to himself, he stopped to comment on that.

"You like nicknames?" Among the loud chatter of everyone, Jungkook could still hear his voice all too clearly.

"Maybe." He mumbled, eyes not meeting his. Taehyung couldn't help but break into a big smile, wanting nothing but to hold the boy in the warmth of his arms.

"Do you know what I was about to show you?" Taehyung asked, an amused yet slightly questioning look plastered on Jungkook's face.

The younger's gaze followed Taehyung's hand pointing towards a far end, somehwere across from the water body in the woods. It was a little bird, so white in colour that it couldn't be missed by any of their sight in the lush green woods.

"It's a dove!"

"Right, and that's a new nickname for you." Taehyung grinned, watching the surprise taking over the younger's face.

"Oh, come on. That doesn't even make sense. How am I a dove?"

"You are a dove. My dove." Taehyung spoke a little louder than usual, making Jungkook's eyes grow wider than ever.

"Speak softly, would you?" He passed the elder a look of disbelief, slapping his arm slightly. He completely looked away from him, all his attention diverted to the water body and to make a check if someone was watching them.

It wasn't another second and he felt Taehyung scooting closer to him from behind. He tried to make himself seem as natural as possible and not cause any suspicion, completely accomplishing his goal.

"I wanna kiss you."

The whispery deep tone in Taehyung's voice caught him off guard, failing to breathe well for a mere second. He looked around anxiously, ever so nonchalantly mumbling without being loud.

"This is not the time, hyung. Wait for tonight."

"But I want it right now."

From the corner of his eyes he could make out the small sulky pout on the elder's face. Oh, how much he wished the same. But he couldn't say it. He didn't have the courage when the sheer richness and an unknown environment surrounded him. It had been like this for days and he was still not comfortable enough.

"W..where?" He finally found himself asking, eyes never meeting Taehyung's.

"Follow me." And he left.

Jungkook instantly turned his head around and watched the boy speeding off to a distance. He looked around to see everyone busy with their own interests and quickly ran away in the same direction as Taehyung's.

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