{22} failed love

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September 1922, South Korea

It was the 15th of September. The day Jungkook was returning, after a total of eight long days.

His excitement was off the limits. As if he had forgotten about all his personal problems, he was elated to bid a goodbye to his brother who had been bailed after receiving help from Yoongi. Jungkook had to admit that being with Yoongi was such a great idea and paid off as a reassurance.

It took quite a lot of time, definitely more than expected. He wondered how Taehyung was doing back there. He was surely worried about the elder but at least he had an assurance of heading back and meeting him. He didn't know how that would happen, considering the heated situation back there but he knew for a fact that Yoongi would make some arrangement.

Yoongi had left a day prior to Jungkook since he didn't want his parents to get suspicious on returning with Jungkook. After all, he had lied to them.

It wasn't a long hour of the younger's small train journey and around 9 AM, he had reached. He couldn't wait to drag his luggage to the street and see Taehyung after what seemed like a month than a week.

The widest grin on Jungkook's face was replaced by a frown when he found a commotion around Taehyung's house. A lot of elite families were present, Taehyung and his own parents along with other tenants were present. Everyone seemed to be talking amongst themselves, paying no attention to others.

What might've happened?

He worriedly walked into the crowd, all attention diverting to him. Everyone looked tensed, some went as far as passing him a pitiful look while the others couldn't help but continue judging. He spotted Yoongi, who instantly came running to him.

"Jungkook!" He panted, eyes suddenly teary. The mentioned boy couldn't take in this surprise, looking back and forth between Yoongi and Taehyung's worried parents.

"What's going on?" Jungkook had to really get a hold of this situation before he started assuming. Everyone in this crowd, including his own parents could do nothing but stare at him wordlessly.

"Taehyung. He left about an hour ago...he said that he w-won't come back. He said he would...he would leave the world and all that shit. Jungkook, we have no idea where he went." His voice was shaky, clearly showing how terrified he was.

Jungkook could feel the sudden loss of gravity as he failed to stand still. His heartbeat accelerated just hearing those words and glossy eyes widened, already having assumed the worst. His head hurt, he could barely think of anything. There was no way...no fucking way. How was this possible?

"Did you not stop him?" Jungkook yelled angrily at the poor boy before him, making him flinch.

"I wasn't there when this happened! I came here only minutes ago." He broke down into a sob, body heavily shaking. He couldn't have ever expected for such a thing to happen. Despite it not being his fault, he felt so guilty.

Tears streaming down Jungkook's face endlessly yet his face was void of any emotions. As if all life out of him had been sucked out.

"Think Jungkook, think!" The boy mumbled to himself as if going crazy, disregarding everyone else's presence.

"Where could he go? Not in the woods, no. Tunnel? No. There's a hill he liked a lot. Hill? Yes, hill." With a voice breaking apart as he talked to himself like a madman, he did not mind the tears on his face or the gentry around him and without another word, ran away from there.

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