{21} torturous reality

459 53 4

September 2022, South Korea

It was about midnight. Sophie and Jungkook's friend group had left his place a few hours back after checking up on the sleeping beauty in talk. It was not a surprise that he got about an hour of scolding, more than two hours of counselling and some drama.

Apparently, everyone apart from Sophie knew about his suicide attempt. Well, he was really glad that Yoongi didn't snitch it out to his best friend because that could've gotten out of hand.

After declaring Taehyung as an umbrella and a watch thief, they finally left. According to them, Jungkook had to be taken good care of or else Taehyung wouldn't survive. Nice threat to a person who is eager to die.

After the exhaustion from this happening day took over him, he headed straight to his room. All he wanted right now was to get a good sleep. Sighing in relief as he walked in, he realised that Jungkook had occupied his space this whole time and there was no way to get it back.

Life was an actual challenge right now.

However, the sight of the sleeping Jungkook was not something that surprised him. He had decided to casually lay down next to the boy and go to sleep but the unusual drift in breathing patterns of the younger caught his attention.

Taehyung was quick enough to get on the bed and sit down next to the boy, observing how his facial features seemed disturbed. As if disturbed by a dream or rather...a nightmare? His chest was unevenly heaving up and down, indicating his uneasiness. His already shut eyes were squinted in distress, forehead covered in worry lines.

"Jungkook!" He called out, shaking the younger's body a little hastily. Jungkook showed no signs of waking up, only causing more worry to Taehyung.

"There's no way this will continue. You have to wake up, Jungkook." Taehyung voiced out his concern, more to himself since he knew for a fact that the younger couldn't even listen to him right now.

He still couldn't understand how this was possible. How could someone just sleep all day? If it were up to him, he would've called over a doctor to check upon Jungkook. However, after getting a denial from everyone and Yoongi, who seemed to be knowing everything, he decided not to. After all, somewhere in the back of his head he too knew what was going on.

Snapping him out of his thoughts was Jungkook's small feeble hand, seemingly trying to get a hold of something. He was in such a deep sleep that he would probably never know what he was doing. Taehyung considerately held his hand firmly, not knowing what exactly was going on in Jungkook's so-called dream or nightmare.

His eyes widened when he felt the temperature of the younger's hand. It was so cold. Now Jungkook had been sleeping for more than the past twelve hours so it was self explanatory that he would be this cold. However, this brought Taehyung to think of another concern.

If the boy continues to stay asleep for so long...what about the basic necessities? Food? Water? Goodness, this was a lot harder than he had expected. No wonder he received a 'good luck' from Sophie before she left.

Right now, he didn't have it in him to think so much about it all as he instantly dived into his cupboards for a blanket and threw it on the bed with an exhausted sigh. Jungkook had started to feel distressed yet again and the elder could figure that it was happening because he had let go of the younger's hand a few minutes ago.

He smiled to himself before quickly covering up the boy in the warmest blanket he possessed. He got in himself right after and this time without him having to try, his third finger was was almost hurriedly caught by Jungkook's feeble grip.

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