{23} the happy part

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September 1922, South Korea

Jungkook could still feel the warm and gentle touch of Taehyung's hand in his. His hands were something Jungkook had always liked...their veiny texture, long and slender fingers. He loved them so much. It was still unbelievable how the slight touch of the same hand was still lingering somewhere around his head.

He could still feel it. How he had failed to get a hold of the same beautiful hands.

He was an actual mess, hugging his body helplessly as he sat on the edge of the cliff, completely unmoving. About thirty minutes had passed since then and the younger didn't know how exactly he was supposed to react anymore. His cries had died down and exhaustion had taken over him.

He could do nothing but sit and stare into nothingness. His gaze would sometimes be fixated at the depths below him and sometimes flitter towards the wide sky. With a stoic face, ever so emotionlessly tears started to cascade down his cheeks yet again when he heard some movement and voices coming from behind him.

"There he is! Jungkook!"

"Where is my son?"

"It's all your fault!"

He could hear the calls of his father and Namhyun, followed by Taehyung's mother. It was needless to say that Jungkook didn't flinch at the voices, completely unbothered by their presence. Well, it couldn't be done until the footsteps grew stronger and the two pairs of parents were finally standing next to him.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here on the edge? Get up, it's unsafe." Jungkook's mother was successful enough to slightly pull her son away from the edge's danger but it didn't go unnoticed by anyone how Jungkook's face was all sweaty and teary, basically showing off the kind of mess he was. Not to forget the quietness. He was awfully quiet for their understanding.

"Hey, where is my son?" Namhyun finally asked, kneeling down next to Jungkook. Somehow, he had already assumed what must've happened, shooting across him a wave of anxiety.

With the poker face as usual, tears wouldn't stop rushing down his cheeks. He did not speak a word, there was no explanation and his face looked void of any emotion. Almost scary.

"Tell me, you little boy! Where is my Taehyung!" The tensed and infuriated man shook the younger's shoulders aggressively, earning no flinch from him. However, his ears perked up at the uncanny words he had just heard.

"Your Taehyung?" He chuckled slightly, catching everyone off guard. Everyone suddenly retreated from their spots, moving slightly away from the crazily laughing boy. Jungkook's parents could only watch in horror how their son's eyes wouldn't stop shedding tears while he laughed like a psychopath.

"About time you realise he's your son after all." With that, Jungkook stood up. His expression almost instantly changed up to a more serious one, suddenly nullifying the laughter. Mr. Kim couldn't handle this any further, Jungkook's behaviour reminding him of his guilt.

"What the fuck are you trying to say? Where is Taehyung?" 

"He jumped off this cliff!"

Jungkook yelled louder in answer than what was meant in the question itself. The echo of his voice reminded the parents that they hadn't actually misheard what Jungkook was saying. As the words kept hitting them over and over, they finally faced the reality. They had truly lost their son.

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