{17} depths of unknown

469 57 5

⚠️ TW ⚠️

September 2022, South Korea

"No no no, hyung, please. No..." He was continuously pleading, suddenly finding himself on an awfully familiar cliff.

Jungkook stood on a far end, staring at the distressed and teary faced boy standing at the edge of the cliff, almost ready to slip into the unsympathetic depths of the valley. The younger stood far away, panting from an apparent run he had made there.

"I'm sorry." Taehyung whispered, face meeting Jungkook's with a guilty look plastered on his face. The look had behind it the most broken and disheartened person ever.

The younger had never thought this day would ever come. He was possibly sobbing by now, his tears blurring the disturbing sight right before him. As and when he took a step forward towards Taehyung, the elder tool the same small steps backwards, feet almost ready to tip over the cliff and make his body tumble back.

Both were a crying mess and possibly knew somewhere in the back of their heads that this situation couldn't be withdrawn. There was no going back.

A glitchy time spin suddenly changed the whole scenario with an anxious and wavering Jungkook leaping forward to catch a hold of the falling boy's hand. He tried his best to be as quick as possible, eyes barely able to see due to the wetness.

But he failed. Taehyung had already fallen into the depths of unknown.

Jungkook's eyes shot open. Anxiously shifting on his spot, he jolted up abruptly and looked around in an utterly perplexed and terrified state. His heart was thumping violently against his chest, bringing him to the reality of his room. A suppressed breath escaped past his lips as he quickly got off the bed.

Something was so odd about the beginning of his day.

It was just the previous day that he had thought about going to have a check on Taehyung and the nightmare of this morning welcomed him with the worst possible scenario. Goodness, this was not giving away the best sign.

There was a different kind of gloom and sheer depression in his entire apartment as he made way to the kitchen to fetch himself a glass of water to calm himself down. It was 15th September after all, it was normal for him to be having such dreams. Since he had been thinking about the elder the previous day, it made sense that it was about him.

Yeah, no big deal.

Jungkook continued with his routine; brushed his teeth and took an unusually silent bath. He couldn't stop thinking. There was no possible way he could get himself to stop wondering about Taehyung's current state. Something told him things were not right, a very unfortunate and a rather mysterious turn would take place and take his calm, his life away from him.

He hastily turned off the faucet and ran out of the shower, taking no time to slip into the nearest clothes he could see around. He was skipping university today.

Sick with apprehension, he could barely even breathe orderly at this point. Quickly and wordlessly slipping into his shoes, Jungkook ran out of his apartment. There was no destination he was aware of reaching, no fixed time limit but he still felt bound to it unknowingly.

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