{15} now or never

497 54 6

September 2022, South Korea

Taehyung had been the most carefree person all his life. He never cared about bad luck, superstitions or any such thing. They were all stupid to him but today was highly different from the rest of his days.

Jungkook was currently sleeping on Taehyung's as usual messed up couch after having passed out few minutes back. The elder had made sure to get him home as safely as possible, preventing any plausible trouble to come in the way. He was extremely worried, the boy's words from earlier still lingering somewhere in the back of his mind.

Taehyung couldn't help himself but stare at the sleeping boy wordlessly, a whirlpool of emotions swirling within him. He felt this strange urge to protect him, to keep him close, to take care of him. No reason, just a gut feeling.

It was now when Taehyung realised how beautiful the younger was. Big eyelashes covered his closed eyes, the round button nose looked cuter than anyone's and lips...they looked so soft and pretty being parted in such a subtle manner as he took in deep breaths.

He caressed his smooth hair carefully before quickly getting up and grabbing his phone from the table. There was only one person he could think of contacting right now.

"Hey Sophie." He spoke after the call was answered.

"What's up, Tae?" Her rushed voice was heard from the other end, as if she was busy with some work.

"Are you doing something?"

"Doing the dishes, nothing much. What is it?"

"I...uh, there's a problem."

The water flow from the other end seemed to come to a halt as she quickly let go of the dishes to pay more attention to her best friend.

"What happened?"

"You remember Jungkook? He's at my place." He shyly mumbled, not knowing how it would sound to her.

"What? Has it really reached that stage? Oh my god, Tae! Did something happen?" She asked in a suggestive tone and Taehyung knew very well what she meant.

"Fuck you Sophie, no! We did not do any such thing. And there's no intention either. But...there's something else. He was acting very strange today. Wanted me to walk home with him so I did. But then, he suddenly got a panic attack and then..then he told me what was wrong. He said that...that he was having this paranoid feeling of...d-dying?"

Taehyung finished off with a small stutter, getting extremely anxious just at the mention of it. There was a sudden moment of silence from her end before she spoke.

"Tae...did you talk to him about dove?"

"No, not yet. You think I should? I honestly have no idea what to do. I'm freaking out right now, what will I even do once he wakes up? I...ugh, I'm so confused and so fucking worried." Taehyung blabbered without a stop, going on and on about his sudden and unexpected issues.

"Calm down, Taehyung. What's wrong with you? Chill, dude. Do you want me to come over?"

"No, don't. It's gonna be weird for him."

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