{16} experiment

483 54 4

September 2022, South Korea

Taehyung woke up to the saddest news this morning.

He received a brief call from his mother, saying that his favourite aunt had passed away. He never really called his parents or got called by them but this time when he did pick up, he started off with the worst morning ever.

She told him how her funeral had taken place and it had been a whole month since this news. Taehyung couldn't help but feel his heart shatter, breaking down into sobs that very instant.

Mrs. Lee was such an amazing person, his favourite aunt. She was his mother's sister and had been the nicest to him. Even when he came out and expressed his sexuality, it was only her who stood by him. When he wanted to leave home and start a new life, she was the first one to protest but when he did so, she was also the first one to come in contact with him and support his choices.

She knew everything about him, had empathy for him and was almost like another best friend. She was the only family member he had stayed in contact with. Occasional calls and texts were common between the two and it was one of his only interactions with goodness.

Now that he thought of it, it had been such a long time since he had a talk with her. He just thought she was busy with her new business but it took him aback when reality hit him. He could've never guessed that the only family member he loved and someone who specially cared for him would pass away. And he wouldn't even come to know for a month or so.

The most distressing part was that he wasn't even invited to her funeral, as if being completely dismissed by the family. He dropped to the floor, drowning in complete depression. Taehyung's mental condition was not amazing anyways and the unexpected news broke down his entire world.

He cried and cried, there was no stop. His entire being felt uncomfortably shaken up, the reality not fitting in. As if his life wasn't fucked up already, his favourite aunt had to leave him too. It's not like he was super attached to her and met her every day but just the mere thought that there was someone out there who cared for him and thought of him as an ordinary human and not a perverted gay freak was enough to keep him going.

However, now he had no reason.

He sure had a best friend and an unexpected stranger who clearly cared enough but he did not see any point in that. Why did they have to care for a messed up boy who had no intentions of continuing his life anymore?

His life had been strange since the very beginning. He never liked to smile a lot, would barely ever talk to anyone and to top it up, he found out he was gay. His parents were already not very fond of him and this revelation gave them a reason to loathe their son without giving a justification.

Taehyung did not feel hurt one bit when he separated his path from his parents. Sounds quite sociopathic but it was the truth. It was as if he was waiting for this day to arrive so he could gain his freedom. A new spark of hope ignited with this step, the hope being that he would be much happier from then on.

However, it turned out to be completely wrong in his case. Being with family or being alone, it was all he same. He was still the same troubled and depressed boy who did not know how to deal with life. Pills had started, random alcohol nights and what not.

He had stopped caring about his life but then he met Sophie. A pretty and straight forward girl who did not hesitate to call him out for his apparent 'disgusting' smoking habit. He was new to it so it wasn't very hard to get rid of this awful decision.

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