{6} wrong timing

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June 1922, South Korea

Taehyung couldn't sleep that night. His mind was in a frenzy, totally engrossed within the thoughts of Jungkook. He was a simple boy who did nothing more than share his energy and read romance novels. He didn't know what it was in him which drew him to the younger's charm.

It didn't sound quite right in his head when he considered having such feelings for another male but could he convince himself enough? The truth remained unchanged and it lied in the fact that he had lost himself in the shiny doe eyes of the tenant living down the lane.

He didn't know if he was right and could only wonder how his parents would react if they found out about his unnatural desires. However, he did not want to think so much for now. All he knew was that he had to see the younger boy again. Or else he would fail to fall asleep this night.

The boy walked out of his room, checking the empty corridors and the living room before quickly and sneakily making his way outside. He walked and walked until he reached the ninth house of the lane, as mentioned by the younger some time back.

In the beautiful and grand looking house, resided one of his classmates named Min Yoongi. He knew that Jungkook's family would be occupying a small space towards the right end, the obvious pattern in every house of the area, keen on following the trend.

He silently walked towards the desired corner but his steps halted when his eyes fell on a familiar figure through the open window of the room. Taehyung stood against the window, staring at the boy who seemed to be peacefully sleeping on a small bed, almost enough to fit his body.

It seemed to him like a small room, the only person being in there was Jungkook. The elder observed his gorgeously structured face, everything about him in the moonlit room seeming to be surreal. Taehyung could not deny the crazy fact that he loved the sight. He almost wanted to join him on the small bed and stay that way until the sun's call wakes them up.

Such a weird thought.

Taehyung didn't find it weird though. It sounded to him like the best possible option. The subconscious smile which had made its way to his face was replaced with a sudden frown.

Taehyung turned about, away from the boy. Staring at a beautiful boy while he was so peacefully asleep and in his own little dreamland was not like the usual Taehyung at all. However, the younger made him think of it as a very natural and a normal thing to do.

Heck, did he even know himself?

August 1922, South Korea

It was a garden. A garden full of thorny rose bushes. The point of this garden? He didn't know.

It was just the still image of the beautiful garden he had never seen before. All it took was for him to touch one of the beautiful roses and cut his finger a tad bit from the impact.

He flinched on his spot and his eyes opened up instantly. Jungkook got up to sit comfortably on his bed, sighing in annoyance. What a way to wake up!

He had always wondered ever since he was a child why he had always got such weird and random dreams. They were too stupid back then but now that they were uncontrollably playing with his mind, he had come to a realisation that they definitely had a meaning. They were not pointless, after all.

It had been about a week since the drunken incident took place. He remembers leaving Taehyung's place in a hurry the moment his eyes opened up in the morning, without making it a point of notice to him. The elder had slept through it all as Jungkook cleaned up his living room to the best of his ability and took his leave.

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