{28} we won

445 53 2

November 2022, South Korea

"I can hold it better!"

"No, I can hold it better!"

"You're nothing before me."

"You're hilarious."

"I'm still better."

"Absolutely not!"

The group of friends looked back and forth between the boyfriends who wouldn't stop yelling at each other and slamming their small soju cups after every aggressive shot. It had been an hour since they had started drinking and while everyone was sober, the two boys arguing over having the best alcohol tolerance had been wasted by now.

"Are they usually like this with each other?" Jin passed them a disgusted look, going back to his own drink right after.

"Well, Jungkook recently started drinking."

"Taehyung's been drinking for a while now."

Jimin and Sophie glared at their idiotic friends for having embarrassed the entire group since they had been receiving judgemental looks from the people around due to the noise being made.

"I told you I'm better at this. See, I'm perfectly okay." Jungkook argued again, raising his eyebrows at the elder sitting across from him.

"No, you're not. I'm much better!" Taehyung slammed his fist on the table, earning close to no surprise from anyone around. It was literally so normal after this long hour of torture.

"Listen you two." Hoseok side eyed the two boys, clearly pissed off.
"Stop making so much noise, people are looking at us. This attention is so unnecessary, you know that right?"

It was as if the intimidating aura of Hoseok was enough to calm down the boys as they shut their mouths in an instant without any other thoughts. Everyone else looked at the sight in disbelief, clearly caught off guard by the obedience of the youngest boys towards Hoseok. Something commanding and demeaning about Hoseok was a rare thing to witness indeed.

Yoongi smirked to himself at that, quickly gulping down some bittersweet alcohol.

After this long night had passed with everyone being exhausted after having dealt with the childish tactics of light heads like Taehyung and Jungkook, they decided to send them back on their own. It would be a joke to send them off alone in that very moment because there was no way they would be able to make it.

With utmost difficulty, Namjoon managed to get them home safe and sound. He could obviously not afford to take them to their own places and make that extra effort when he himself was running late so the best he could do was to drop the two off at Taehyung's.

The boys had basically dozed off on either of his shoulders, making it even harder for him. He had never expected to land up in such a weird situation for no apparent reason.

"Goddammit." He mumbled, the weight of both the boys taking a toll on him. Just when they got inside, they were thrown onto the nearest couch by the elder with a breath of relief escaping past his lips. Damn, he had never worked so hard in life.

"Listen boys. Remember to not cause anymore trouble and just sleep. Alright?"

"Alright!" The two replied back in unison with wide bubbly smiles adorning their faces, making Namjoon's eyes soften in an instant. They really looked like elementary school kids talking to their teacher.

"Bye then, good night!"

"Good night!"

And then Namjoon left, leaving the boys alone in an awfully silent living room. The two turned to face each other, feeling slightly less drunk this time. Externally, they looked no less than maddened drunk kids with flushed cheeks and droopy eyes. It was clearly no surprise that they had needed each other's presence the most right now.

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