{9} only him

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July 1922, South Korea

It was yet another beautiful evening with a breezy weather. The two lovestruck boys had been laying down on the grass close to each other for the past few minutes. Jungkook had his head propped over Taehyung's arm as the two stared up at the pleasant evening sky in silence.

It was such a comfortable feeling, such a peacefully put forth idea of them laying next to each other. This forest and a rather garden looking area across the tunnel was their favourite and their only place to hangout. It was such an amazing way to go through their days.

"Jungkook." Taehyung called softly, eyes now lingering over the younger boy who replied with a little hum in acknowledgement.

"There's a camp my university is organising. It's open for all. Would you mind coming? Don't worry about the fee, it's not much. I'll pay for you."

Jungkook got up on his spot to sit straight in a better posture as he stared down at the elder boy's anticipated expression, waiting for a reply to his offer.

Jungkook anxiously thought about it; he wanted to go so bad. Just the sound of it seemed exciting. But he would certainly not get permission as far as money was concerned. Another issue was that his parents knew about Jungkook's sudden 'best friend' he would leave home every evening to meet up with. There was no way he could mention Taehyung anywhere in this plan.

"I can't let you pay for me." Jungkook mumbled, staring back with a saddened look at the boy laying comfortably on the grass.

"Come on, it's not a big deal!"

"No, there's no way. Don't worry about it all though, I'll come. Give me all the details tomorrow." Jungkook spoke with a reassuring smile, heart suddenly feeling happier.

He didn't know how he was going to get permission from his parents. They would definitely not like this idea but for once, he really wanted to do what he wished. He deserved to have his fair share of fun too, right? There was, however, enough money he had saved for himself to purchase his favourite books. Well, that could obviously wait.

"Really? You'll come?" Taehyung asked, suddenly thrilled about the idea a lot more than before.

Jungkook loved the boxy smile fitting right onto his face. It was too precious that every time he saw it, he felt as if all his wishes had been fulfilled and his entire life had become free of hurdles. Ironically, it was quite the opposite.

However, in such moments of being in the same space as the boy, he would simply forget both of their status, their wealth, their families and even their genders.

He leaned down like an excited kid and pecked Taehyung's lips gently, bringing forth wider smiles on their faces and more such desires in their hearts.

August 2022, South Korea

Jungkook had been having one simple goal for the past three years, the time since he moved away and decided to live on his own. It was to work his ass off in the August vacation and save up as much as he could before his birthday.

Evidently, it seemed to be working quite well.

It was another evening, Jungkook hanging out with his amazing group of friends. He was honestly so glad he had them or else he wouldn't even have been able to imagine a happy and casual life. He couldn't begin to explain his love for them, they were a bit too dear to him.

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