{11} forbidden joy

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July 1922, South Korea

Taehyung had been waiting for a while. It was quite early in the morning and the railway station had been pretty much packed to say the least. Students and families leaving for trips, people visiting places for their own reason. All in all, it was hard to look for the boy he was waiting for.

Some of his friends were there but he couldn't pay a lot of attention to them. The students had started to get on the train while he could only look around helplessly, searching for the boy. Was he even gonna come?

Taehyung honestly didn't know. Jungkook seemed pretty adamant on going to this trip the last time they talked, which was a few days back. Ever since then, he hadn't really heard from the boy. Did he possibly change his mind?

"Taehyung, who are you waiting for? That friend of yours will be here, don't worry. Get on first!" One of his friends yelled from inside the train, helping him by keeping his luggage inside.

Taehyung didn't know why he was sulking so bad. He felt so upset, all of it almost felt worthless. He let out a small sigh and got onto the well maintained train, still standing on the entrance and gazing out. His breath hitched, heartbeat almost accelerated when he found the one he had been searching for this whole time.

Jungkook was struggling to find the correct train as he anxiously walked through the crowd. A huge smile made way to his lips when Taehyung found him nearing the train. Goodness, he was so happy!

"Jungkook!" He yelled, waving at the boy who seemed to stop in his tracks on hearing his name. Looking around, his gaze landed at the one and only train before him on the platform and a wide excited grin formed onto his lips. He hurriedly ran off with a bag of necessities dancing in one of his hands.

Reaching quite on time after making his way through the enormous crowd of people, he reached the entrance where Taehyung was ready to give him a hand. Jungkook quickly got a hold of the offered hand and hoisted himself up, inside the train.

The moment the younger got in, he broke into a fit of panting. Having ran too much, he could feel his energy being drained. Their hands were still intertwined as Taehyung swiftly took away the not-so-heavy bag from the younger's grip.

"I thought you wouldn't come." Taehyung smiled, making Jungkook finally look up at him. As if on cue, the train blew its infamous warning horn and slowly started its journey.

"You clearly don't trust me enough." The younger let go of the assuring hand, noticing the gazes of some people passing by inside the train.

"I trust you but I thought maybe your family didn't allow you to come. Seems like you convinced them." Taehyung spoke with a proud smirk and walked inside their designated coach, not forgetting to carry Jungkook's luggage.

"Not very sure about that." The younger mumbled to himself, following him inside as he was reminded of the two-day long fight that took place in his house.

He definitely did not run away.

September 2022, South Korea

"Thank you so much guys!" Jungkook exclaimed yet again for the nth time this day.

Jin simply rolled his eyes, putting his arms around the younger's shoulders.
"You know what's the problem with you? You don't think highly enough about yourself. This nineteenth birthday, inculcate a new habit. Think of yourself as an important person. You deserve everything."

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