{27} eternal centuries

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October 2022, South Korea

Jungkook had snoozed his alarm twice and changed his sleeping position about a million times. Once he realised that it had in fact been 6:30 AM and he was running late for his 'weekend job' at the café he worked for his entire vacation, he shook himself up from his position and stared at the clock for a good second. He was so fucked.

What a way to start the day!

Even though the boy had worked his ass off throughout his month long vacation, he still felt that it was not enough and he should start saving more money. He had decided last month after the chaos in his life had died down that he would work part-time on weekends since the thought of it was impossible during the weekdays.

It was one of those days when he was a lot more late than expected. He was supposed to report by 7. About half an hour was left for him to get ready and reach the café which was situated at quite a distance from his place.

Without wasting another second, he jumped out of his bed and ran over to the bathroom. It took him about fifteen minutes to get ready and finish off everything. As soon as it was out of the way, he ran out of his flat without having any breakfast since he basically had no time for that.

"Come on, Jungkook." He whispered to himself as he got onto his bike effortlessly. Securing his head with a helmet within a second, he rode away as fast as possible.

Being late was not the problem, it had happened before. However, being late when you come to work only twice a week was embarrassing and shameful. Ugh, he hated this so much.

Slightly out of breath, Jungkook entered the café in a haste. There were no customers yet and rest of the employees seemed to be waiting for Jungkook. Once he entered, he was passed some peculiar looks from them; some judgemental, some annoyed, some relieved.

"I'm sorry, guys." He bowed apologetically, passing them an awkward smile as he carefully made way behind the counters, joining the rest.

"How can you be late all the time?" Hyunmin spoke in sheer disbelief, annoyance radiating his tone. Jungkook couldn't help but apologize yet again, mind definitely not going along with his actions.

Oh how I can rip you apart with my bare hands but I won't since I've got a sanity to maintain.

Jungkook disliked him so much.

"Come on, Hyun. At least he's here. I was honestly getting worried." Yugyeom's words sounded as genuine as they always did. Jungkook was so glad to have such a colleague.

The day was passing as usual. Customers, orders. More customers, more orders. Jungkook was busy receiving orders and serving the people along with Yugyeom and Hyunmin while the other employees stayed inside the kitchen or off shift.

The clatter in the café was getting a lot louder and he could suddenly feel some difficulty in taking orders. Becoming ten times more focussed and engrossed while writing, he didn't notice that a new person had now appeared before him.

"How much for a Jungkook?"

The mentioned astonished boy looked up from his notepad, breath retaining back once he saw it was Taehyung. He let out a sigh of relief. Even though he had recognised the voice, it was still scary to hear it out of nowhere.

"I'm at work, Tae. Stop scaring me like that." He talked to the boy in whispers, making sure that the other two working alongside and the customers on the counter won't catch a hold of the talk.

"But I missed you." Taehyung pouted dramatically, trying to woo the adamant younger.

Jungkook bit back the smile making an instant way to his lips as he let out a small breath, staring at the elder with serious yet soft eyes.

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