001 Figure Eight

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"JJ, where's my sock!", the stressed blonde yells from her place on the floor as she desperately scrambles around the foot of the bed to find the other sneaker of the pair

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"JJ, where's my sock!", the stressed blonde yells from her place on the floor as she desperately scrambles around the foot of the bed to find the other sneaker of the pair.

She grunts pulling the tired white shoe from under the bed and dusts it — as if that would turn it into a newly purchased one — scrunching up her face when the dust blows up right in front of her nose.

"JJ!", she yells again and straightens her position, quickly fitting the shoe in her right foot and stomping over to the half open bedroom door when the face of her brother peeps in.

His disheveled hair inform her that he'd been sleeping, the uninterested eyes being another sign of the fact.

"What sock?", he scratches his head following her with his eyes as she steps out of the room, a glare fixed on her face.

"The ones you took out for laundry yesterday", she narrows her eyes at him.

"Oh. Forgot to wash it", he casually shrugs stifling a yawn.

She shuts her eyes in frustration.

An unwashed pair of socks should not be affecting her this much.

But those are her favourite, the only perfect ones of the three pairs she has.

And now, she'll have to wear those creepy black ones tomorrow if her imbecile of a brother doesn't do the laundry again.

Sometimes it seems to her that she's the only one doing any work in the Maybank household.

"I can't believe you", she shakes her head, grabbing the sling bag off the couch and heading for the door with him in tow.

"Well, sorry I was too busy to do the fucking laundry", JJ comments with an eye roll following her down the steps of the house.

"Busy doing what? Smoking weed with John B?", she turns to him with a condescending smile plastered on her face.

"No, I got plastered last night", he replies with the same enthusiasm as her.

Fuck you, JJ. Seriously, fuck you.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now