003 Moon

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003 !! MOON

003 !! MOON

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"Kie, where does your mom think you are?", JJ grins, a playful glint in his eyes

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"Kie, where does your mom think you are?", JJ grins, a playful glint in his eyes.

Kiara rolls her eyes leaning back against the boat deck.

Curfew being at nine every night makes Kiara's current presence a questionable event which is suffice to say that she's probably conned her parents into thinking she's doing something 'acceptable'.

"At Courtney's house. Researching Ivy League Schools", she plasters a fake smile on her face.

JJ whistles cackling and shaking his head in disbelief.

"Wow. You've outdone yourself this time, Carrera", he claps his hands together in admiration.

"Hmm I know", she shrugs, a proud smile on her lips.

Georgie stares out into the distance, the dark of the night enveloping the entire sky.

Stars twinkle in the July heat, a light breeze blowing over the dock.

The smell of the ocean captivates her, it's essence embedding itself into every single atom of her body. Her skin cherishes the bare cold of the night and the slight warmth of the summer moon.

It's times like these that make her feel truly at peace.

Nights have always been Georgie's favourite time of the day. Nights have a certain mysterious vibe to them, the moon pretending to be a silver coin suspended high up in the sky shining in all it's glory to show off the beauty it possesses.

Georgie admires the moon for it's confidence, for it's natural aura that holds the power to stun a person into place.

She wishes she had the kind of privilege the moon harbours.

She wishes she could be just like the moon someday.

Calm, beautiful, peaceful, all knowing and loved.

Loved by every single person that walks this earth and appreciated for not being a source of light for the world but for it's complacent beauty.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now