047 Enemy

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047 !! ENEMY

047 !! ENEMY

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The sound of frantic footsteps rouse her from her slumber, her eyelids fluttering against the glimmering sunlight washing the room in a bereft warmth

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The sound of frantic footsteps rouse her from her slumber, her eyelids fluttering against the glimmering sunlight washing the room in a bereft warmth.

The back of her tank top sticks to her skin as a sheen layer of sweat rolls down her neck, her harried blonde hair thrown carelessly over the armrest of the couch she reclines on.

The ceiling fan whirrs in a lazy pace, gentle cool air immediately pocketed by the intense shine slithering in from the uncurtained windows.

"Guys, come on!".

She grumbles pushing her face further into the couch pillow, shifting to throw one leg over the back of the sofa, a cold sweep instantly lathering the skin of her bare legs.

"We have a test today. Y'all need to get a head on if you want to shower", the voice bellows again in the same anxious tone.

She tosses an arm out in a waving off gesture, pressing the side of her thigh further into the headrest supporting her leg.

Her arm is about to plop down like the rest of her body when cold fingers enclose around her wrists tugging her forward.

She whines tightly shutting her eyes.

"Georgie, not you too. We have to go! See, JJ's up already!".

She shakes her head against the pillow refusing to leave the comfort of the Chateau's sofa.

"Step back, Pope".


"Tch. Just do it, bro".

Sleep slowly consumes her, a faint dream already set on a reel for her entertainment with a quaint feeling of peace and comfort settling over her being.

She sighs contentedly, her exhale sounding muffled due to the pillow's presence as she allows herself to relax.

A happy, happy place somewhere among the pale clouds, a peachy glow of the setting sun . . . .

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now