024 Curry

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024 !! CURRY

024 !! CURRY

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She rubs on a spot on the counter with a rag, her nail trying to scrape off the darkened curry spot through the material of the rag

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She rubs on a spot on the counter with a rag, her nail trying to scrape off the darkened curry spot through the material of the rag.

It remains rock solid though, only a few fragments coming off as she continues scratching at it, her mind a jumbled mess of confusing and annoyed thoughts.

It's as if the spot alone represents everything that is wrong with her life and that, just as her problems refuse to magically vanish into thin air, the spot too refuses to leave her life without causing any drama.

It's truly irritating, the way the dark brown of the once semi-liquid curry is stuck over the polished grey marble surface contaminating it, exhausting her.

Despite her repeated and consistent efforts to rub it off, it stays put in its place.

As if that two centimeter wide spot was specifically crafted for disgusting curry leftovers.

"You're fucking dead".

The voice interrupts her incessant wiping and she glances up only to be met with two very angry sapphire eyes slightly similar to her own sending daggers her way with just the raging intensity of their gaze.

Georgie sighs and resumes wiping down over the stubborn spillover.

"Where the fuck were you? I called and texted. Everyone did but nope, nothing. I didn't even know if you were alive, that's fucking crazy. I can't believe you could ever be so goddamn irresponsible".

He spits out the last words in a mixture of anger and disappointment.

She doesn't know how to answer, does she defend herself or keep her mouth shut hoping he'll tire and leave soon?

She almost opted for the latter when he uttered something completely unimaginable.

"Was it because of Sarah? You thought you'd just 'ghost' us 'cause you don't want her in on this? Because that's fucking immature".

She looks up, scoffing.

"I can't believe you'd say something like that. The whole world doesn't revolve around Sarah Cameron, JJ. Even if she might think otherwise", her words turn into a mutter as she turns her gaze back to the still intact brown spot.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now