018 Stupid

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018 !! STUPID

018 !! STUPID

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Georgie sighs placing the container full of barbecue meat right next to the grill Pope is standing by with a tired look in his eyes

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Georgie sighs placing the container full of barbecue meat right next to the grill Pope is standing by with a tired look in his eyes.

"This is shit", Pope mumbles as she straightens up craning her neck to glance up at the sky.

"What if it rained?".

"Huh?", Pope turns to her with a frown.

Georgie shrugs.

"What if it rained right now? Everything would stop and they'd still pay us for all of this", she gestures at the chairs and uncooked food containers around them.

Pope shakes his head turning his attention to the barbecue grill.

"It's not gonna rain, Georgie. It never does during this time".

She rolls her eyes, "Yeah, but what if it did? You know, hypothetically".

"Then that . . . . ", Pope half smiles, "would be pretty awesome".

She smiles leaning over to watch the meat sizzle with the fragrance of overcooked spices lingering in the air.

She inhales deeply watching the meat slowly heat up against the grill.

"Excuse me, sir. Do we have to shuck these ourselves? 'Cause it might mess up my costume and we wouldn't want that now, would we?".

Both their heads snap in the direction of the voice speaking in an awfully hilarious British accent.

The moment her eyes meet Kie's, Georgie's whole face lights up.

She may or may not have forgotten about the whole 'John B dibacle'.

Though him disappearing for an entire day without so much as a text informing her that he's indeed alive really made Georgie rethink everything she's believed about him till now.

Especially when JJ texted her about an hour ago saying that he's with John B and that the Routledge boy is as safe as they come.

He couldn't even find the time to respond to her texts yet he has the time to hang out with JJ?

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now