016 Deny

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016 !! DENY

016 !! DENY

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"This is stupid", JJ kicks at the dirt following Kiara and Pope to the community garden with Georgie lazily trudging alongside him

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"This is stupid", JJ kicks at the dirt following Kiara and Pope to the community garden with Georgie lazily trudging alongside him.

"It's a change of scenery", Georgie murmurs wrapping her arms around herself.

The sight of so many Kooks gathered in one place annoys her and despite the fact that her whole body yells at her to make a run for it, her brain pulls her on.

Annual Summer Movie Nights have been a sort of a tradition here at Outer Banks.

It is a time when all Pogues and Kooks gather in the community garden right off the houses at Figure Eight for a movie on a summer night.

It's a whole 'nother thing that only a few Pogues - usually local business owners and people belonging to a little well-to-do families - show up.

Whereas, almost the entire population of Figure Eight attends the event every single year.

JJ and Georgie have made rare appearances there in the past years but today since they had nothing better to do and in a bid to elevate their moods which went significantly sour once they discovered that the Royal Merchant's ship wreck was empty just that morning, Kiara suggested they go to this year's together.

John B, disheartened walked away and though Georgie wanted to follow, she didn't.

Let's just say that she's still a teeny tiny bit mad at two of her friends.

So, it's been seven hours and with no sign of John B or any replies to Georgie's millions of texts, the four of them walk right into the garden with faces like that of a group of toddlers being forced into eating broccoli.

Georgie and Kiara lead the boys over to four empty seats right in the middle row and plop down sighing as they do so.

"Welcome back to OBX life. Aren't you glad I made you come?", Kiara turns to the blonde with a smile.

Georgie huffs rolling her eyes.

"My couch was pretty comfy, I'll be honest", she grumbles back.

Kiara pouts shaking her head and getting up to go buy drinks for the group.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now