035 Mine

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035 !! MINE

035 !! MINE

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GEORGIE : good luck!!

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GEORGIE : good luck!!

POPE : thanks. i'll need it.

Her eyes shifted upwards from the screen of the phone immediately falling on the head of messy blonde hair and his turned away slender frame facing the sliding patio door as he lies unmoving on the cot.

Her stomach burstles with anticipation of the thoughts consuming her, demanding a high risk act of treason.

It's wrong! They need me here! She'd yell at them hoping they'd morph into nothing but small inconvenient utterances at the back of her mind.

But they only seem to grow by the seconds.

A part of her feels guilty for even contemplating such an action.

But a different, more massive part demands for her to grow a spine and go against every rational thought.

But—But I can't!

No. You have to. — they'd scream right back.

She purses her lips, shaking her head when she gets up to her feet and pushes past the main door of the house, throwing a short glance at her brother sleeping out on the porch, guilt already seeping into her blood.

But now she's walking and she can't stop.

About thirty minutes later — and after shooting JJ a quick text informing him that she was off to let Anna know she wouldn't be able to come in today — she reaches her destination.

The grass twigs crunch beneath her sneakered feet, the fresh morning dew already vaporing up into the air, a hot summery stickiness etched deep into the atmosphere.

She curls and uncurls her fists approaching the backdoor as if she were a thoughtless intruder.

Anxiety pools through every corner of her working mind, her eyes blinking and nervous, teeth biting down into her bottom lip.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now