010 Gun

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010 !! GUN

010 !! GUN

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"Ow, easy", John B hisses as the disinfectant dipped cotton touches the side of his jaw eliciting a small burn over the affected area

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"Ow, easy", John B hisses as the disinfectant dipped cotton touches the side of his jaw eliciting a small burn over the affected area.

"Sorry", Georgie murmurs leaning in close to carefully rub the edges of the cotton over his jaw.

"Well, what else was I supposed to do? He could've killed him", JJ comes walking out on the porch with Kiara jabbing an accusing finger at him.

"Still, you ratted us out. Now, Topper's gonna go blabbering to the whole town about us having a gun", she crosses her arms glowering at him.

JJ sighs turning his attention to his sister cleaning up John B's wound whilst Pope sits on the porch steps with his head in his hands.

"Is it bad?", JJ stands next to Georgie earning a small shake of head from her.

"He'll be fine in a few days time".

"Good, 'cause we can't afford to get him to a hospital. They'll ask questions", he plops down on the chair opposite to John B's.

At his words, Pope's head perks up and he turns around to face him.

"Questions we don't have an answer to. Questions which wouldn't be nearly as terrifying if you had been a little more careful. Lie low, remember?".

Now Pope's the one glaring at the blond boy which immediately makes him groan and drag a hand over his face.

"For the last time, I saved his life!".

"Maybe but you also fucked up. Like big time", Kie sits down by the door pulling her knees up to her chest.

"Georgie, what do you think?", JJ waves his hands hoping for her to back him up.

Exhaling a breath, she momentarily pulls away from John B's side and considers him for a minute.

"It was stupid but you did the right thing".


"What? Georgie, no. He did not do the right thing, everyone's gonna know now!", Kiara frowns.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now