020 Girlfriend

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JJ walks up to the Chateau, his sister in tow, in hopes of finally resolving the little — okay fine, 'major' — issue of both Kiara and Georgie mistrusting Sarah Cameron

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JJ walks up to the Chateau, his sister in tow, in hopes of finally resolving the little — okay fine, 'major' — issue of both Kiara and Georgie mistrusting Sarah Cameron.

When last night John B had asked them to wait for him in his Twinkie while he went to go meet Sarah Cameron in the middle of the woods, none of them had expected things to turn out this way.

Having arrived at the exact spot where John B and Sarah were meeting each other for the late night 'rendezvous', Topper had, in simple terms, gone ballistic.

He'd pushed John B down the railing of the remoted stairwell the two 'lovers' were standing atop of and waking up in a hospital room with Ward Cameron and his daughter smiling down at him had proved to be a change of fate for the Routledge boy.

Ward Cameron was now his foster father.

Which John B was quite alright with but his friends had grown skeptical.

Kiara was still bitter about the Camerons' daughter posing as an intruder in their little secret, Pope was trying to figure out how to not let any adult find out what they'd all been up to in the past few days what with a Cameron becoming a part of their 'treasure hunt' now, JJ was too busy trying to look out for his best friend's heart to care about Sarah getting a share in the gold — though he'd thought about that too many times last night but he still wasn't ready to admit it — and then there was Georgie.

Tired and frustrated Georgie.

She hadn't slept last night at all. And then today as she woke up to find that they were out of coffee again, she'd cried in the shower for what felt like a normal habit considering the amount of tears she'd shed last night when she'd been trying to cry herself to sleep.

But sleep never came.

And Georgie remained awake, haunted by the events of the night.

Sarah's screams of help, John B lying on the ground injured, Sarah crying as she knelt right next to him, Sarah not leaving his side even as the medics arrived.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now