037 Plan

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037 !! PLAN

037 !! PLAN

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"So, we go in there guns a-blazin' and we make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possibleand vámonos, get the hell out of there"

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"So, we go in there guns a-blazin' and we make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible
and vámonos, get the hell out of there".

"Are you dumb?".

JJ's gaze turns to his sister's, a heated glare throwing daggers her way because according to him — he's helping out and she's only complaining.

"Georgie, I swear to god—".

"No. Genuine question. Are you dumb?", she steps forward shoving her pointer finger in his face, squinting up at his six foot frame staring down at her in annoyance.

Pope snickers off to the side, John B and Kiara sighing at the blonde twins' unnecessary bickering even at a time of such strategic importance.

"As I was sayin'", JJ steps back, glare still fixed on the short girl rolling her eyes at him, "we get the hell out of here. Down the Intracoastal. Wait for weather. Exit to Cuba".

"Cuba?", John B perks up.

"No, man, Xcalak, Jewel of the Yucatan. Lobsters so thick, mangoes, and no word for money. Let's do this shit".

"Bro, why are you so obsessed with Yucatan?", Pope rubs a hand down his face.

JJ frowns, "It's the perfect place, Pope. The only other real paradise on earth, even Miss Genius here agrees with me", he gestures towards Georgie who sighs.

She shrugs, "He's kinda right".

Pope raises his hands up, eyes widening in surprise.


JJ's frown gets deeper.

"Hey, if you got a better plan then—".

"Shush, they're coming!", Kiara hushes signalling the convoy of trucks driving straight into the flyover, approaching the private plane waiting for takeoff.

John B brings a pair of binoculars up to his eyes and looks through the lens quietly observing the men descending the trucks and beginning to unload them.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now