044 Mirror

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044 !! MIRROR

044 !! MIRROR

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Standing by the seaside, the subtle grass tendrils crunching and swaying as they shuffled to the corner, the high masts of the Phantom preparing to wave goodbye, the underside of the boat rocking in the water creating small ripples — everything fe...

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Standing by the seaside, the subtle grass tendrils crunching and swaying as they shuffled to the corner, the high masts of the Phantom preparing to wave goodbye, the underside of the boat rocking in the water creating small ripples — everything feels like a dream.

As if some deity of unconsciousness possesses her bruised soul turning her into a reflection of herself, an imposter in her own mind.

A hand grazes against her arm gaining her undivided attention.

She's pulled out of her thoughts and turns back, her gaze catching warm honey eyes staring right at her in pain.

Her breath falters as she gets sucked back into reality — their bleak reality.

"I guess . . . .", he trails off gulping harshly.

She examines his exhausted face, the small creases of his doubtful frown etched deep into his features scarring the once cheerful disposition she fell in love with.

Love. Is she still in love with him? Has she ever truly been in love with him?

Or was it just an escape from real life. A disastrous romanticisation of the first boy she thought . . . sweet? Was that the word? Or soft, was it?

Has she romanticised the very idea of him to the point where when things didn't work as per her colossal daydreams, she reacted dramatically?

Gosh, life is a waste of time.

"So you're leaving", a lump forms in her throat, the tears from minutes before returning with a damning weight.

He sighs glancing away with a bitter laugh, "Mhm".

Her arms loop around his neck pulling him close, her face desperately hiding in the crook of his neck for some sense of comfort.

His own arms wrap around her hugging her tight, her breath goes awry as she struggles to keep the tears at bay.

There's a deep seated feeling in the pit of her stomach, something so hurtful and complex that it cannot be put into words no matter how much one tries to.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now