036 Eternity

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Later in the morning, much to her dismay, she had to leave the figuratively hallowed grounds of Figure Eight despite all her wishes and trudge on over to the Chateau for word about John B's reappearance had been conveyed by her brother

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Later in the morning, much to her dismay, she had to leave the figuratively hallowed grounds of Figure Eight despite all her wishes and trudge on over to the Chateau for word about John B's reappearance had been conveyed by her brother.

When faced with the inevitability of Georgie leaving his arms way before he was ready to let go, Rafe Cameron had scowled and whined and all but begged her to stay back.

He'd followed her down the hall like a lost puppy hot on her trails, murmuring furiously about how "unfair" it is that she doesn't seem to be too intent on keeping up her end of the deal.

She'd turned on her heel, jabbing a finger at his chest.

"I didn't agree to spending eternity with you, Rafe".

She'd tried to come off unaffected by the words leaving her mouth, trying to overlook the fact that her heart did in fact like the idea of spending eternity with him.

Wouldn't that just be awfully foolish though?

His own eyes had widened, staring down at the golden haired girl in amusement.

"So I gotta put a ring on you to make you stay?", he had ever so selfishly declared, arching his brows as a faint smirk overtook his lips.

She had groaned and stepped back, swatting at his chest, shaked her head and walked away.

He'd followed her again, helplessly watching her as she slipped her sneakers on and fluffed out her hair in an attempt to look presentable enough.

"Just another hour".

He'd reached for her hand but she had stepped clear of his touch, forcefully maintaining firm distance between them.

He'd scowled again.

"Have a good day", she had stubbornly smiled and turned away pulling the door open and marching right out, walking a long meandering walk to The Cut.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now