013 Fire

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013 !! FIRE

013 !! FIRE

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"Oh my god"

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"Oh my god".

Georgie's senses immediately jump to alert, she steps away from Pope with concerned eyes.

"What happened!", her voice booms up to reach Kiara's ears who shakes her head with a grimace.

"It's fine! I'm coming down!".

A minute later, Kiara safely lands on the ground with a huge envelope clutched between her fingers.

She hands it over to John B who looks down at the dirt covered FedEx envelope in awe.

"Holy shit. This is from my dad".

Peeping in, Georgie makes out two words scrawled lazily in black ink on the front of the envelope.

For Bird, it reads.

A smile instantly pulls up the corners of her lips, memories upon memories of puzzles solved with Big John Routledge over the weekends invading her mind.

Most of the time, her friends would be out playing tag but Georgie always found solace in the comfort of the Chateau sitting on the tattered couch under the fading sunlight streaming through the window with Big John assembling a new puzzle for them to solve.

Every Monday, Mr. Routledge would go to Chapel Hill to collect supplies for his boat repairs and every Monday, he bought a new puzzle set for him and the little blonde girl to solve over the weekend.

He'd often reprimand John B for throwing his dirty shoes around when he'd enter the house in the middle of their game and rush into the kitchen for a glass of water.

And every single time, he'd say "Bird, stop throwing that shit around. I just cleaned the floors".

His tone would be a mix of warning and affection, something that, growing up in Luke Maybank's household, Georgie never quite experienced.

So, to her, Big John was the best dad in the world.

Eight year old Georgie would do anything to swap places with John B but the only thing that always made her chide her own kid self for developing such an idea was the fact that if they swapped places then John B would have to live with Luke.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now