022 Greek Statue

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Their breaths intermixing, lips desperately devouring each other, the two hungry teenagers pull themselves down on the sand uncaring of the fact that they are currently indulging in something somewhat forbidden

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Their breaths intermixing, lips desperately devouring each other, the two hungry teenagers pull themselves down on the sand uncaring of the fact that they are currently indulging in something somewhat forbidden.

In a not so secluded place.

But neither of them could care less about their reputations.

Rafe, earlier this evening, was in one way or another disowned by his father.

The white intoxicant he oh so graciously has been inhaling since the past few months finally lead him to his end.

The consequences finally caught up to him.

And as for Georgie, she has just lost what she truly thought was hers no matter how quickly it had been slipping from her grasp.

She just lost the love of her life.

Not to death, no but to a certain blonde - actually come to think of it, it's pretty ironic how John B is so head over heels for Sarah and no one in their group except Kiara has been wary of the couple's 'bond' but if either of them were to see Georgie sucking faces with Rafe Cameron, they'd probably scream bloody murder.

Double standards are quite fun, aren't they?

With such . . . . disturbing thoughts thrust aside, Rafe pulls himself over her leaning on the sand with his elbows.

He looks down at her as she stares up breathless, her lips now a deep red and cheeks now tinted a hazy blush.

His own breaths come out faulty as he stares down at her trying to figure out just how someone could be so heavenly.

It's like the moment those lips touched his, she was the only thing that consumed him.

"Do you . . . .", he starts unsure of what words would be right to suggest what he's about to.

She senses his reluctance and in reaction, grabs the back of his neck pulling his face to hers and touching their lips with a casual hunger.

The tips of their tongues touch, the touch being enough for them to let the feeling invade their mouths, their breaths coming out heavy.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now