011 Perfect

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011 !! PERFECT

011 !! PERFECT

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Georgie stands bored behind the counter, a drowsy exhaustion radiating off her as the previous night mostly consisted of tossing and turning until the light chirping of the birds could be heard throughout the island and the Maybank twin was sure t...

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Georgie stands bored behind the counter, a drowsy exhaustion radiating off her as the previous night mostly consisted of tossing and turning until the light chirping of the birds could be heard throughout the island and the Maybank twin was sure that she was fucked.

I mean, who doesn't love getting barely three hours of sleep before the ferocious and excessively annoying beams of the sun decide to come and play about?

And that is how she got to where she is now.

Leaning against the partially marble covered counter of The Wreck with her chin in her hands and eyes slowly drooping due to the lack of action in the restaurant.

A few moments of utter and complete quiet passes and just when she's sure that no one will ever dare to wake her from her awkward slumber, the bell beside her rings.

She startles, straightening up in an instant and the moment her gaze falls on the two boys in front of her, she scowls.

"What do you want?", she mumbles roughly not bothering to give notice to the blue shirt clad brunet giving her an eyebrow raise.

"Food, Maybank", Topper huffs shuffling over to sit in one of the chairs.

Rafe follows suit, still keeping his curious eyes on Georgie who refuses to look at his backward hat and amused expression which is enough for making her feel perfectly small and irrelevant while also making her wonder the ultimate question everyone in Kildare County has on their minds.

How is Rafe Cameron so hot?

Shaking her head, she dismisses any thoughts about the Cameron boy's 'perfection' and glares at Topper.

"Sure you're not here to kill all Pogues?".

Topper frowns, "John B started the fight, Georgie".

"But he didn't try to kill you", she shrugs.

Topper rolls his eyes and plucks out a menu from the stand turning his attention to the range of different foods and drinks served there.

Rafe, meanwhile, just cannot stop looking at Georgie, who occasionally throws him a side glance fighting the urge to touch that obnoxiously perfect statue chisel that he calls a face.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now