006 Cold

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006 !! COLD

006 !! COLD

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Georgie watches JJ and John B inspect the battered scene outside the chateau, the hurricane having brought a large tree down

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Georgie watches JJ and John B inspect the battered scene outside the chateau, the hurricane having brought a large tree down.

She yawns resting her head on the back of the couch since she didn't get much sleep the night before.

JJ had insisted that they all stay up and share scary incidents with each other as the storm outside had restricted them from going out and with no electricity either, it was starting to become the most boring day of their lives.

Which brings us to Georgie's current state which is being sleepy because she, being an easily scared individual, could not sleep at all even though she stormed back into John B's room halfway through JJ's recounts of a woman in a "white blood stained dress".

She cursed JJ all night long.

Speaking of the devil, the blond comes barging back into the house and gives his sister a hard look before a tiny smirk crosses his face.

"Sleep well, did ya".

"Fuck off".

"Get any dreams?", he grins.

"JJ, I said fuck off".

"Dream about the woman in the—".

"JJ, I swear to God I will gut your insides out, stab your eyes and throw you into the ocean if you don't stop talking", Georgie glares at him, the lack of sleep and lingering fear amplifying her anger.

He only shrugs, the grin still on his face.

"We should probably leave now. Y'know go home, get a shower and stuff", he runs a hand through his hair making her sigh.


About twenty minutes later, the siblings find themselves walking into the untidy comfort of their house — a place they often refer to as home but never really mean it — and to their relief, the ominous presence of Luke is nowhere to be found.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now