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048 !! HISTORY

048 !! HISTORY

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"Hey", another irritating whisper, "What's 3A?"

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"Hey", another irritating whisper, "What's 3A?".

Georgie glances up from her paper to Mr. Sunn who is attempting to seem casual in his hovering by the teacher's desk but only comes off as prying which is crazy because this is a test and he's obviously supposed to supervise them?

He's just a naturally awkward person, I guess.

"Georgie", yet another whisper from the individual on her right.

She cuts her eyes to him, glaring at his leaning form. She curtly shakes her head in a wordless NO and goes back to her paper.

Who was responsible for the construction of the Berlin Wall and why?

Communists something . . . the French and Americans something . . . territory? Is that it? Could be it. The French and the American sides controlled which part of Berlin again?

Wait. The communists are Soviets, right?


"Mr. Maybank, if you would be so kind as to focus on your own test rather than your sister's".

Both the siblings look up, startled at the sudden warning by the usually harmless Mr. Sunn who looks tired if anything but then again dealing with a crowd of teenagers first thing in the morning can do that to you.

Bristling with the attention of the entire class, Georgie looks back down biting on the inside of her cheek in embarrassment.

Her fingers tightly curl around the pencil in her hand trying to physically force herself into writing the test and not smack the side of JJ's head for being his usual idiot self.

A small vibration against the side of her leg draws her attention down to her bag, specifically the outer pocket where her phone glints with the promise of a new notification.

Don't check it, don't check it, don't check it—

She carefully glances up to ensure Mr. Sunn's back is turned and takes that as her cue to slip her hand into the bag and grab the phone bringing it up underneath the desk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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