014 Golden Boy

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Her phone chimes and she freezes

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Her phone chimes and she freezes.

Georgie flashes an apologetic smile to the customer staring at her with bored disinterested eyes impatiently tapping her fingers against the counter.

Despite her urgent curiosity to immediately check her notifications, Georgie hurries to calculate the total and ever so politely hands the balance cash back.

The woman rudely walks away after acquiring the change and Georgie scowls at her back.

Didn't even leave a tip.


Instead of dwelling on her rather uneventful morning full of anticipation over whether her friends managed to steal — no, 'borrow' — a drone from the impound lot Luke Maybank was once employed at, she pulls out her phone from her back pocket.

The screen lights up displaying a notification from John B.

'We got it' the message reads.

She covers her mouth to contain herself from squealing shaking her head in disbelief and joy.

Joy at the fact that her brother is so resourceful.

Obviously, if Luke ever found out then they'd be both be buried alive — literally — but that's the thing, right?

This plan is so flawless that none of them will ever have to disclose it to their parents.

They can get the 400 million dollars — 400 fucking million dollars — and leave their houses to live the way they truly deserve to.

A foolproof plan makes for a foolproof find.


She's snapped out of her thoughts by a body settling itself on one of the stools on the other side of the counter.

Georgie, in an instant, shoves her phone back into her back pocket and plasters her best smile to greet the customer.

Only her smile takes a nervous hit when it is met with the calculating blue eyes staring intently at her.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now