025 Rotten

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025 !! ROTTEN

025 !! ROTTEN

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She hides her bicycle in the shrubbery growing all over the Glissons' backyard and jogs up to the back door rapping on it with a sense of urgency

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She hides her bicycle in the shrubbery growing all over the Glissons' backyard and jogs up to the back door rapping on it with a sense of urgency.

Rafe would've loved to pick her up on his motorcycle and have her enter the house from the front door like a normal person but Georgie insisted that going to all this trouble to keep this thing between them a 'secret' is absolutely worth it.

The Cameron boy doesn't know what he's talking about, he thinks being seen with her will be okay for him but it definitely will be the opposite.

He doesn't really care anymore to be honest because as far as he's concerned, Ward Cameron's officially disowned him and even if he hadn't, the Cameron patriarch loves Georgie so what wrong could hanging out with her in public bring for him?


But for Georgie?

That's really all she needs to permanently ruin her life.

Funny how Rafe Cameron is a catalyst for bad decisions and despite recognising this, Georgie feels a sense of exhilaration at the thought of spending time with him.

At the thought of being touched by him.

The door pulls open to reveal Rafe standing there in a casual navy blue t-shirt with his signature board shorts hanging low on his hips.

She's surprised to see him in anything but a polo, and yet this isn't a bad look on him either so who is she to complain?

"No polo?", she walks past him as he steps aside to let her in.

"It's fucking burning in here".

She turns leaning her hip against the kitchen island watching him lock the door and walk up to her, every casual stride arousing a bustling sense of excitement inside of her.

"You still haven't answered my question", she looks up at him, her gaze alternating between his eyes and his lips twisted into a small smirk.

He leans down connecting their lips pushes her against the marble counter.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now