033 Cameron

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033 !! CAMERON

033 !! CAMERON

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Though Georgie would have preferred staying and helping find John B to hopefully prevent something stupidly tragic from happening, she knew she couldn't skip work

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Though Georgie would have preferred staying and helping find John B to hopefully prevent something stupidly tragic from happening, she knew she couldn't skip work.

And all the others knew that as well.

Anna may be a decently moral employer with the right kind of employees - which Georgie is definitely a part of - but she hates being bailed on at the last moment. Especially on Fridays since they prove to be one of the busiest days of the week at The Wreck.

So, they promised to keep her updated and sent her on her way, JJ even going to the extra length of dropping her off promising to be there at the end of her shift.

She keeps checking her phone every ten minutes, no positive news yet in sight and disappointment coupled with fear continues to fill out her anxiety ridden brain.

The thought of Ward Cameron being the reason behind the disappearance of Big John Routledge sounds awfully disconcerting.

For starters, what could the Routledge patriarch have possibly done to be warranted with such a fate?

And how did Ward Cameron manage to get away with it? It's a bit simple really what with him being one of the most influential men on the island but she'd like to think the justice system isn't as big a farce as they've been made to believe.

She's always sort of admired Sheriff Peterkin and to think that she might be involved in such a coverup is truly baffling.

Then there's the gold.

There is no way Ward Cameron, Sarah's father, just stumbled upon the fact that they'd successfully discovered the Royal Merchant loot.

John B miraculously securing refuge at Tannyhill while being involved with a Cameron and Mr. Cameron ever so astonishingly finding out about something that hadn't so much as breathed past his ears before his trophy daughter became a part of their "team"?

Bullshit, Georgie shakes her head.

Sarah Cameron struck on the gold's nest all as a sickening plot to further achieve daddy's undivided attention and went running back to dear old Mr. Cameron just as they hit jackpot.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now