043 Phantom

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043 !! PHANTOM

043 !! PHANTOM

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Sitting there in the back of Kiara's car waiting to see her brother leave the house she's forced to, on more than one occasion, call home is torture

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Sitting there in the back of Kiara's car waiting to see her brother leave the house she's forced to, on more than one occasion, call home is torture.

Her impatience is evident in the way her right foot keeps tapping against the expensive floor mats spread out on the SUV floor, the cool condescending air blasting out of the air conditioner doing less than wonders for the prickling sweat at the back of her neck.

He's been gone five minutes now, that’s a touch too long for someone to be inside the Maybank household when the middle-aged man they refer to as their "dad" is inhabiting its confines.

It's a death wish of sorts and JJ went in foolishly unarmed.

Give him time.

Time, that's all he's been spending since the past three hundred seconds.

How does one go into the belly of the beast and still emerge breathing?

"I'm going in, Kie", her hand finds the door handle ready to pull on it and hop out of the vehicle.

"Just give him more time. We can't even hear anything, he's probably fine", Kiara turns back in her seat, her eyes sharp.

Georgie's gaze shifts from the brunette girl towards the beaten down house on their right, a lingering hesitation masking her features.

She glares at the door as if her gaze alone holds the power to grab him and drag him out of the haunted shack.

Okay, now you're overreacting.

Is she, though? Because sixteen and a half years of experience is enough to inform her of Luke Maybank's ticks which, regarding today's circumstances, only increases her anxiety.

The door abruptly pulls open, a frowning JJ quickly descending the steps and making his way over to the car without raising his eyes.

He gets settled in, his jaw remains firmly set as he stares right ahead.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now