046 Exile

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046 !! EXILE

046 !! EXILE

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"You report to me and me only

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"You report to me and me only. I'm sat there by the car, Layla here will be supervising you throughout. If you run off or lag behind, it will be noted. These records will be directly sent to the Head Examiner so might as well take it seriously".

The shrewd eyed woman — Miss Goldstein — ladens every individual with a hard glance, her dark blue eyes looking right through their souls with an angering intensity.

She nods, waving her clipboard in the direction of the beach, "Off you go then".

Georgie separates herself from the mumbling crowd of twenty or so high schoolers, all belonging to the the local high school, and silently trudges down the sloping sand, a gigantic yet empty blue trash bag in hand.

She pulls her cap down against the glowering sun and sighs picking up one of the worn down grabbers from the immense pile nearby and shuffles towards the discarded litter dotting the sandy surface.

Wordlessly, she begins picking up individual pieces of trash — all of them ranging from plastic bags to beer cans to empty ice cream cups — her mind remaining concentrated on the task at hand.

She loves the island, sure. She loves the environment too — she has, after all, accompanied Kiara on one of her many ecological expeditions across Kildare — but what she does today is not by choice.

Two days ago, every student of 'Kildare County High' had received an email detailing a list of students who'd failed to meet up to the minimum attendance requirements the previous year and the Dean, in the email, had suggested a few extra-curriculars to gain extra credit for their senior year just to be on the safer side of things; so that if such a "situation" were to occur again during their last high school year they could use these credits to graduate.

Sounds simple enough in theory until you actually take a look at the list of activities and realise that some of them are basically unpaid part-time jobs which for someone in Georgie's position only equals to stress.

Disastrous levels of stress.

Thankfully, her attendance — thanks to her incredible father who couldn't be bothered to work a day in his life — was just short of a week of school. She'd lost an entire week of learning threaded here and there throughout the academic year to work extra shifts at The Wreck just so they had enough money for basic rationing.

𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊, rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now